The God of Jacob wants another wrestling match.
I think the clock looks great. Don't understand the clock or the utility but it's autistically beautiful.
that was me. I can't get enough of the watkins report.
20,160 minutes and counting.
That's an interesting bit of history. do you have any sauce on that? What was the government paying per scalp.
Most true anons were around the last time it blew up. We are still here. Enjoy the show.
If these people were allowed to openly use the drugs it would make the olympics a tad more interesting.
Cracks me up how you think Congress is in control of anything.
Have you interneted everything on the internet? Didn't think so but I do thank you for the sauce. You are a kind asshole.
Evil people/demons/reptilians don't panic. Moves and counter moves.
True anons know pig is on the Trump team payroll. Pig isn't bad and entertaining but the true anons can see. That'll do pig. that'll do.