Anonymous ID: 0a3e94 July 27, 2024, 2:41 a.m. No.21302247   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2249 >>2254 >>2255 >>2258 >>2277

>>21301900 (pb), >>21300998 (pb), >>21301976


So, they are coming down hard on me. I don't know about (You) anon, but I feel like a layer of shit is fermenting under my Armor of God. Where are the feelz we need to keep going? The 'voices' which are really a combination of AI and superficial inputs from less than loved people that have their own personal agendas to adhere to. Whether it's based on sexuality, sensuality, lack of love, poor parenting, socio-economic downfall; these fucking cock-suckers are going full force tonight. So I down my doctor prescribed methadone and my Adderall, which is why some of the o7s around here call me "The Harlem SpeedBall." I find the pseudonym to be affectionate. Why does it seem that I am just complaining? Well, we're supposed to be citizen journalists, right? This is how I report, the news.


"We are the news now…" - Q


This has never been more true. Whether people around my local area of residence have noticed or not, anons have [eyes on] them; despite not revealing their identities… Except for those whom have been designated for the [pull-zee]. bullseye, "optics" I'd like to tell these 'head-fucks' to mind their own business, and fuck off; I chose not to. Why? Every anon has a chance to prove themselves, whether they are public or not. Anyone can chose to be anon, it's how they handle that choice; one that truly matters, to us all. "Where we go one, we go all." That's our motto here on QResearch. Every single one of us, represents the whole. Our interactions with the general public, while retaining our right to be part of that same public is at least, a juxtaposition.


On one hand, we wish to remain unseen, unheard, unnoticed, and most likely under acknowledged. This is by design. On the other, the purpose of Anonymous is to be like a whisper in the wind… the most powerful one of all may I add. This is all the while, everything seems as if it's supposed to. Like nothing happened at all. Almost implying that the ways things presently are, pervade to be as they are meant to naturally. Like a giant ominous green cloud of love & positivity, wafting through the spaces between spaces, keeping [eyes on] it all; like a giant omnipresent Robin Hood, with extra attention towards the welfare of children, the future meant to prove the past!


If it wasn't for sanctuaries like 8kun, and TRUTH, the methods of congregation would be almost impossible to coordinate effectively without our playbook being broadcasted, in an open forum. It's been referred to as a 'peanut gallery' or 'ears across America,' but what it really has become is a feted and open sore of a wound that would make a fully grown adult female vagina, greener than the cloud aforementioned with supreme envy. The amount of unwarranted surveillance that is conducted on this somewhat open battlefield is where the real hashing out of it all truly occurs.




[End of Part 1]

Anonymous ID: 0a3e94 July 27, 2024, 2:42 a.m. No.21302249   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2255 >>2258 >>2277


I have lost trust in modern day psychiatry, simply because of it's loss of a backbone, and lack of thorough attention to detail the representatives of this 'medical craft' have suffered in loss. Doctors that I truly and wholeheartedly [looked up to] have teetered between a total obliteration of trust, and reliability of sanctity of sound mind. That's their fucking jobs, anons. To keep my mental state, calm, collected, [FOCUS]ed, and comfortable. In essence, "comvfefe!" I do realize, and to a very necessary extent, comprehend, (especially as an anon that identifies as a male), that my sexuality intertwines and entangles within the construct of my mental well-being. As a man, in order to remain in a productive and comfortable waking state, my autonomic and parasympathetic nervous systems need to be aroused to an easily reachable threshold, in order to curb the desire to [relapse] and turn my intentions towards the procurement of street-based medical interventions of an opiated nature. Why? After speaking to my PCP (primary care physician) a.k.a. [MY TEAM OF DOCTORS!], there is a concern across the board, regarding "[psychiatric pain]…" Yes, you read that correctly. Pain that is generated and responded to, with cognizance. Before I decide how to approach this very dangerous and ignored issue pertaining to the health of individuals of our society, whether they are "targeted" or not; let me remind (You) of some history.


Imagine America, in 2007 - '08. The housing market is about to crash/is crashing. The first wave of generation X/Y are finally "leaving the nest." The younger siblings are experiencing this first-hand, some even jealous that they aren't the ones gaining a space to call their own. A place to have pride in. A place where in which the present, future, nurtures and grows now, for not only themselves, but the families they've left behind at home, where they wait to hear "good news" from (You) that 'all is well.' Well, it wasn't! This may or may not have something to do with it, but my hunch is that the source of this "psychiatric pain" is quite in fact, real, and on top of that, being conjured from multiple sources of dysfunction. Concurrently, the medical definition for this type of pain, is known as, [dysphoria], which is not to be confused with young adult angst, chronic fatigue syndrome [fibromyalgia, Candida d. overgrowth, spirochete-based blood infection, or Morgellon's disease], or an overall dreading sense of insurmountable malaise; and definitely not seasonal depression. My best guess anon? A combination of a lack of good parenting, like I stated before, and a huge gap of education regarding sexual health, specifically male sexual health. What am I referring to? Well, around 2012 to late 2013, there was a large influx of new types of pornography with a primary focus on JOI [jerk off instructions], CEI [cum eating instructions], sissy training, feminization, and a terminology known as "gooning." (not goons as in thugs, but rather gooning as a gawker, or someone whom gets lost in a trance based on the attraction to the self, being presented as a woman, whilst being an individual whom is cisgendered male.


I have a mainstay that I've utilized over the years, and it goes like this… "You can always tell how a society is doing based on the porn it watches the most." The popularity of the porn genres being viewed can help determine the unspoken sexual desires men, women, [and everyone else], possibly have, but aren't sharing in any openly discussed way other than, discussion boards, and places like the one [You & I] are using at this very moment, 8kun… where our [free speech] reigns highest in order of importance! How do I come to this conclusion? Take these points for instance:


[End of Part 2]

Anonymous ID: 0a3e94 July 27, 2024, 2:45 a.m. No.21302255   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2258 >>2277




  • high rate of "DIVOCre", err, [DIVORCE]

  • broken homes & dysfunctional families

  • a lack of healthy sexual functioning being taught by good parenting

  • missing fathers [and mothers too!] which creates a need for a positive, biologically sexed, role model


it doesn't matter much how the family is configured parentally;

| Male Father | Female Mother |

| Female Father | Female Mother |

| Male Father | Male Mother |

| Female Father | Male Mother |

(in reference to their biological roles as parents)

(not their actual physical sex)


  • the introduction to the internet being easily accessed in the home, yet, without any parental control over the types of information the "family" as a whole is consuming, within their private quarters (such as; on a tablet, with Wi-Fi, in their bedrooms, with a locked door) | Does the idea of spying/conducting surveillance on my children in order to take better care of them freak me out? Yes! However, if I had the [blessing and gift], of being an [actual] father, that would be part of my parental duties; especially having a background in IT/desktop support. No excuses! Just think back to when (You) or your siblings would be accidentally caught watching some [bewbs & butts] and you would be able to deduce what they preferred sexually, via the sneak peeks that would be gained from the occurrence?

  • "Notebook, Pen, Watch, Desk" - Q | Where did/do we sit to consume these types of multimedia? At our desks, well, before laptops and tablets, we'd maybe have a box of Kleenex [tissues], a towel, a sock, a condom, a bottle of lotion or some fragrant and feminine lubricant of some form we "borrowed" from our moms, possibly even our dads? Maybe even a pair of panties we stole from our moms'/older sisters' drawers/hamper! kekekeke, just remaining as honest as necessary. Why do I mention this? The seat. Spending hours, or less, kekekeke, sitting probably in a less than ergonomic chair, does something very specific to the lumbar section of our spines, which is where I suspect the term, "kink" derived from. That very [kink] in our spinal cords, causes a lack of proper nutritional flow, of vital endocrines/hormones and neurotransmitters; which I feel, directly effects our sexuality. Thus, being left in a educationally vulnerable state, unattended, for varying spans of duration, may have left our boys and girls in a defenseless position; open to outside influence, most likely in an effort to alter their points of view. At best, just informing us of how we aren't exclusive in the ways in which we can be/and are physically aroused from sexually oriented stimuli. Before the convenience of the modern internet, photographic smut only came from very niche sources, such as porno mags like Playboy and Hustler, to name the more popular options. It was a well established line of professionally designed and edited depictions of the divine masculinity & femininity everyone single one of us possesses, especially as an adult, despite the younger generations being exposed to, most likely at a younger, more curious, and inquisitive age.


[End of Part 3]

Anonymous ID: 0a3e94 July 27, 2024, 2:47 a.m. No.21302258   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2277





How does dysphoria play into all of this? Well, there is a certain amount of depression and unmerited guilt that arises post-masturbation for some male adolescents and adult men. How this expression of feelings is handled and parsed mentally is extremely more crucial to mental stability than previously recognized. What I like to do? After self-pleasure sessions, I tend to look into the mirror, directly into the face my mother and father co-creatively manifested into this existence, in the name of Christ, and force myself to muster up a genuine smile. Then, while retaining my gaze, I openly state to that person, [I], both mentally and vocally using words of affirmation, and self-confidence. Such expressions as: "You're a good man, [Anon]." or "People love (You), as well as I, but no one loves (You), unconditionally, more than God. -pointing upwards- Even just saying, "I love (You)" to your own reflection is suffice. These actions totally grant me better access to a higher self-esteem than I would if I had not done the aforementioned. Maybe not every single moment I achieve orgasm/climax, but as many as I can remember to close; with maturity and care of the self.


What else? Apparel, specifically underwear and lingerie. Have you noticed that females seem to be assigned clothing that has a more comfortable feel than it's male counterpart? Do you think it's possible this is done on purpose, with intent to get males to secretly lust over, possibly even put on whilst "in private?" Why? To shake the male to the core, and have them come to their own assumptions as to why they continue to choose to represent themselves in a masculine fashion? Why not question your sexuality over some pantyhose? That'll be sure to make you feel more included in the sexual appetites of potential mates. Kekekekekek!


There is so much more to get into, when covering/reporting on the evolution of our divine sexuality, but these points are the main ones pressing me at the current moment. Furthermore, the medications and psychiatry pertaining to these topics are also the culprit to the crimes occurring in the psyche's of all different types of people across our nation, and the rest of the world. Why would a woman be against opiates? It extends the duration of stamina, and endurance of performance for a male genitalia, not sure if it works the same way for women. I can specifically recall my male peers exclaiming that "if you take a few Percs, before you have sex, you can last longer." However, the women, can always tell, that (You) are high, and one of the ways is how their boyfriend ejaculates; as in, the volume of semen excreted. (Which, according to my research, is less than usual whilst under the influence of any mu-agonist receptor binding opiate/opioid. That answers one of the reasons why prescription opiates became so popular for many men. Still doesn't answer why some women become heroin-addicts, unless you take into consideration something I've speculated on more recently. Semenal-opiates!


[End of Part 4]

Anonymous ID: 0a3e94 July 27, 2024, 2:59 a.m. No.21302277   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2331






Yes, anon, there is a certain level of opiate resemblance that the male ejaculate contains within. I think this known, but uncommon and under acknowledged natural and physical phenomenon is another reason why many females are becoming less interested in a monogamous relationship, when they can just ask their gay male friends for a load inside a condom. Why bother with a boyfriend when you can just get your female semenSnacks on the street, without any hassle, especially now that you have all that extra money from equal wages and pay-rates? Did you know that this practice has become so common that women have actually procured a taste-test if you will, in regarding the quality of the semen itself?


Apparently, some women, and men, kekekeke, can actually tell between semen that has never been tasted before by it's source, or is still heterogeneously virgin, and untouched by the toungue of it's procuror. Now, take into consideration that the gay scene is known for it's usage of amphetamines, and butyl-nitrates; which also effects the aromatics and 'flavor-profile' of the specimens available.


The highest demand, is for semen from a man, that is "clean" doesn't get high on ANYTHING, isn't gay no fecal matter or other foreign DNA from other males, which taints the taste, and doesn't get high on his own supply [no suicide, or 'shoot-inside']. the Ourobouros Basically, Puff the Magic Dragon, or fucking Superman, but not any of [us], YET, anon.




"God bless and protect (You) from all forms of harm and negativity, on this day, and forever!"

"Now comes the pain." - Q

