Id like to vote Let it Bleed for best movie soundtrack.
Hello, my name is nurseanon, I'll be your nurse for the remainder of this shift. Tell me, what brings you in to the clinic today?
As you wish, Im not here to cure you, Im here for your care and comfort, two things the doctor cares nothing about…drink plenty of fluids, clear liquid diet until things improve, and keep your asshole clean, plain TP is inadequate…
Diarrhea is usually your body's way of ridding itself of bad things.
How long is a long time?
Its blood
Did you eat chicken on Thursday?
Im more concerned about the dizziness and fatigue. Nurseanon thinks you are dehydrated. Gatorade, jello (not red), popsicles, clear soda.
Im changing my vote to UTERUS!
I think people work because they are lazy. Which do you suppose is easier, 9-5 or up before dawn, chores, chores, chores, then go hunter for a while, come back, chores, chores, chores until you fall into bed, just to get up and do it all again? But with a 9-5 you have hours in the morning, a break in the middle of the day, and hours before bed to relax, watch TV, or scroll through your favorite social media?
Vomiting also? Now Im sure you are dehydrated. Are you able to keep anything down now? If not, ice chips only.
If you're not better by monday, go see the doctor, if you get worse go to the, Walk-In clinic over the weekend.
Ill be checking on you periodically.