"This, and Disney Star Wars, and all of modern Hollywood, and all of Manhattan tradpub, can be explained with one simple idea."
"And no, it isn't "Satan". No religious suppositions are required. What's going on here is venial, and even more depraved."
"In other words, what we are seeing here is not a rebellion against god (if you are religious) or civilization and merit (if you aren't), it's something far worse."
"It's the petty, ugly, banalities of an entire subculture of tiresome neurotics who cannot dredge one single beautiful, interesting, or true thing out of their souls that would make you voluntarily pay attention. "
"I blame their mothers."
Interesting analysis yes, however anon will disagree that it has nothing to do with satanism. For if it didn't, then the question is why do the "representations" of the "narcissistist" artists so often take extreme forms of overt mockeries and rebellions against biblical allegories and stories, and never mockeries and rebellions against any other religious text?
They mocked and desecrated The Last Supper at the Olympics, but not Buddha under the tree or Muhammed walking from the desert.
Also, the analysis fails to give any explanation for how and why mothers are the sole blame. Sounds to anon like a lazy cop out. After all mothers have been around since the dawn of humanity, of course, so what answer would the author give for why he thinks mothers have now changed to the degree that more and more children are growing up to have narcissistic behavoiral traits? Is the author saying that suddenly women are failingโฆfor no reason? That's it just say to mothers "fix the mess you created"? That to anon betrays the obvious fact that both the children AND THE MOTHERS have grown up in a world of information that impacts them too, and impacts how children grow up and how mothers raise children. Procreation in 2024 does not happen in a vacuum. If the author blames the mothers, then the question must be asked, what is causing the failure?
This the author does not say.
To anon, the cause of the narcissism the author references is from the imageries, narratives, weaponizations of information, of media, of government, funded and pushed by extremist anti-heavenly God pro-I am God me me me families who have accrued so much money and power over generations that they have bought governments, media, and are injecting subtle "anti-biblical God pro-Self is God" information into the public discourse that trusting minds have developed the very narcissistic behavioral patterns the author chalks up to blaming the mother alone.
Now of course this anon admits that the above analysis ALSO fails to address a question, the question of WHO these so called satanic sourses are and why they are doing what they are doing and how they are doing it. For that anon will only ask the following:
Would having the power to create money ex nihilo, the money that funds entire governments, armies, media, everything, would that power incentivize restrained, law abiding, benevolent activity, or would it corrupt?
THIS is the line that determines your view of humanity. If you believe humanity is capable of pure evil extreme corruption, of SIN, then you can understand how power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely with the power to control one half of every exchange on the planet, if on the other hand you believe humanity is immune from pure evil extreme corruption, that it's too unbearable to admit or believe, then all anon has to do is reference the author's own thesis that a subset of humanity, in his case he blames mothers, as corrupted, and then reference the fact that there does exist a group of people who drug, rape and ritualistically sacrifice murder children underneath a temple on islands in the carribean, who murder millions of babies under the guise of women's rights, who launch fake/controlled world wars with real deaths and destruction, who fund and push grooming, child genital mutilation/castration, demonic movies and tv shows, virus attacks and vaccine attacks, etc, etc, etc.
Would the author call all THAT mere narcissistic artistry or the fault of mothers?