Anonymous ID: e479ea July 27, 2024, 2:08 a.m. No.21302151   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2159


nice work, buddy


Are Mass Deportations Possible? the Case of the Dominican Republic


Birthright citizenship is repealed. Special agents round up illegal immigrants at construction and agricultural work sites to be instantly sent home. A concrete wall is constructed and garrisoned with soldiers surveilling the border with drones and radars.


These are not the empty promises of Donald Trump, Giorgia Meloni or the British Tories, they are the reality of Luis Abinader’s Dominican Republic (2020-24). (PB!!)

Anonymous ID: e479ea July 27, 2024, 2:29 a.m. No.21302205   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2295

pwrsonally don't agree with article, just posting; don't shoot the messenger :)


J.D. Vance and the Future of MAGA

J.D. Vance is the best heir to MAGA out of numerous uninspiring choices


Trump’s selection of JD Vance as a running mate makes him the De facto heir to MAGA. While a lot of MAGA populism is symbolic and rhetorical, Vance has taken populist positions on trade, anti-trust, and immigration. However, until fairly recently he was a bootstraps Reaganite, who called for austerity on social programs, so I am skeptical of his populism. Vance is also fairly hawkish towards Iran and China, though more dovish on Russia, far from being a non-interventionist. Regardless, a lot of Reaganites are unhappy about Vance’s nomination.

Anonymous ID: e479ea July 27, 2024, 2:31 a.m. No.21302210   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2218 >>2226 >>2245

War Criminal Benjamin Netanyahu Addresses the US Congress

Lies proliferate and Congress cheers genocide in Gaza


To my surprise, last Thursday morning there was relatively little coverage of the address to the US Congress delivered by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu last Wednesday afternoon apart from a critical opinion piece that appeared in the New York Times regarding Israel’s war on the Palestinians. The article, by Megan K. Stack, asserted that “History will cast Mr. Netanyahu’s visit in deservedly ugly tones. He’s not a guest we should aspire to host, but he is a visitor we deserve. Gaza is our war, too, thanks to the indispensable military aid and political cover the US government has lavished on Israel as the death toll climbs… What exploded as a war of retribution against Hamas has looked increasingly like a broader campaign of annihilation — the slaughter of trapped civilians; the excruciating deaths of thousands of children; the destruction of hospitals, schools and much of the civilian infrastructure.”


Polls have shown for months that more Americans disapprove than approve of the Israeli onslaught in Gaza, but Congress and the White House are not interested in the views of the public when they are on the receiving end of hundreds of millions of dollars in “donations” from Jewish billionaires. Much of the coverage of the Netanyahu appearance in the mainstream media was toothless and even adulatory. It generally reflected what was hailed as Bibi’s “fiery speech” that “did not give an inch” which vowed to continue fighting until “total victory” is achieved. There was some coverage of how Netanyahu went so far as to portray the many thousands of demonstrators, some of whom were pepper-sprayed and arrested, who surrounded the Capitol as “useful idiots paid for by Iran.” The jibe, together with other calls to go to war with Iran, produced cheers and other paroxysms of joy among the leaping and waving Congressmen. Bibi might have been particularly personally aggrieved by Pro-Palestinian protesters successfully having released insects into the Watergate Hotel where he was staying. Online video showed maggots running amok on the dinner table.


The Netanyahu speech was light on serious analysis, but heavy on emotional appeals, repeatedly invoking the assertion that he and the United States, in its “ironclad” support of Israel, are fighting to save “civilization” and that “our enemies are your enemies” and “our victory will be your victory.” Predictably, the Congressmen and guests who filled the chamber bobbed up and down applauding wildly after nearly every sentence, producing 53 standing ovations, far exceeding Netanyahu’s record 29 obtained the last time he addressed Congress in 2015.


Notably some Congressmen with active consciences skipped the event, including Nancy Pelosi, who, after the fact, denounced the address in a post on X: “Benjamin Netanyahu’s presentation in the House Chamber today was by far the worst presentation of any foreign dignitary invited and honored with the privilege of addressing the Congress of the United States. Many of us who love Israel spent time today listening to Israeli citizens whose families have suffered in the wake of the October 7th Hamas terror attack and kidnappings. These families are asking for a ceasefire deal that will bring the hostages home – and we hope the Prime Minister would spend his time achieving that goal.” Only one Republican, Tom Massie of Kentucky, did not participate after observing “Today Congress will undertake political theater on behalf of the State Department. The purpose of having Netanyahu address Congress is to bolster his political standing in Israel and to quell int’l opposition to his war. I don’t feel like being a prop so I won’t be attending.” Over 100 Congressional interns also boycotted the speech in a coordinated sick-out. “In an act of protest, many of us have pledged to call in sick today, the day of Netanyahu’s address,” read a statement from boycott participants. “We stand in full solidarity with the victims of Netanyahu’s actions. We call on all members of Congress to boycott the address and take a unified stand against what we believe is a ‘universal evil.’ We urge our representatives to respond to the collective will of the American people and reject any semblance of endorsement of Netanyahu’s actions.”

Anonymous ID: e479ea July 27, 2024, 3:12 a.m. No.21302292   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2296 >>2313 >>2323

>>21301609 (pb)


Is this Tucker trying to wake people up about the NWO: Noahide World Order,

or a softening-up exercise to gain future mass acceptance now it's passed by Congress (1991)?


Tucker Carlson Praises Noahide Laws: "They're Great!"


Tucker Carlson praised the Noahide Laws as "great" and "very reasonable" during a recent interview with Jewish comedian Ari Shaffir.

"The non-Jews have seven laws of Noah, that's all you got to do and you get into Heaven and they're pretty easy," Shaffir told Carlson on his show July 9.

"Yeah, I've read them," Carlson interjected. "They're great!"

"They're pretty easy," Shaffir said. "Don't eat an animal while it's still living, should be a no-brainer. Don't kill…"

"Adultery," Carlson added.

"Yeah, it's not that hard and you get to go to heaven and you'll be right alongside a rabbi," Shaffir said.

"Well, not only that they're– they're like very reasonable," Carlson said. "They're all kind of rooted in natural law."

I don't know if this is Carlson doing penance for his interview with Rep. Thomas Massie or what but it's truly bizarre.

Anonymous ID: e479ea July 27, 2024, 3:25 a.m. No.21302323   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2351



>Noahide World Order (NWO)

>kabbala braclet, Tucker Carlson

>go back

sorry, you need to wake up more

they are legitmate questions



hi anon, do you remember that meme that compared the demonic glyphs with modern microcircuitry?

unfortunately can't find it right now

anyone else got it?

Anonymous ID: e479ea July 27, 2024, 3:49 a.m. No.21302380   🗄️.is 🔗kun



>They have to give up everything they've learned, from birth to now, in order to even start to see the truth.

>That's how you know it's a miracle. Because you fought for it in the good fight, and God did the impossible. With God all things are possible, even NPCs waking up.


good posts

Anonymous ID: e479ea July 27, 2024, 4:37 a.m. No.21302556   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2563 >>2565

Reject the Olympics


And all its wicked pomps. But, as Owen Benjamin observers, the Christian Right is always more interested in complaining about what the wicked do than they are in either eliminating the wickedness or establishing an alternative to it.


Christians are targeted for mockery with the Olympics because marketing research says they’ll tweet about it with outrage but still watch. Which means free advertisement with no drop in viewers. In fact more will probably tune in to join in on the rage.


It’s actually smart. Most other demographics would then not watch. White Christian’s will not only watch but send it to everyone they know with a “we are under attack” or “disgusting.” As they watch and share. And when the Christian’s share all of these clips but never share local community projects or anything inspiring, the people that enjoy seeing Christianity mocked because of their upbringing will see it and remember to watch the Olympics.


Hope that helps! And you can pretend that I’m attacking Christianity but I’m not, just telling you the truth as to why corporations and politicians love to troll you. They just had an obese woman as Jesus in the last supper and a bunch of trans as apostles. And every right wing grifter is promoting it furiously.


Well, that’s one reason Christians are targeted for mockery. The other, more important reason is because Clown World is quite literally satanic, the people who produce big Clown World events like the Olympics, the Oscars, the Grammys, and the Gotthard Tunnel opening ceremony are satanic servants of Clown World, and the events are used as part of their “revelation of the method” rituals, which is why the 2012 London Olympics hinted at the 2020 pandemic and why the “white rider” that appeared riding over the waters of the Seine likely presages a future depopulation program.


Don’t complain about these things. Just recognize them for what they are and turn them off. Of course, there’s nothing wrong with the sports themselves. But at the very least, skip the opening and closing ceremonies.