They are trying to.
> Phryge
it's my god is better than your god episode. that's what it seems.
look at nasa tether release n youtube. you'll understand
You know for the last few months i've been wanting ONLY vanilla coffee.. it's all French vanilla… i don't like the taste i just wanted straight vanilla…
funny isn't it. i wonder why.
is there a separate board that has all the info?
This boy they said shot at trump.
sure looks like the boy that went missing.
idk i need updated information. i find it very sus that he went missing not far from where this boy is.
maybe not and i pray not cause that would mean something much more sinister is going on. i don't know if i could fathom that.
i know there was a child missing be4 and i found him in the olympics. not sure what it meant. so you might want to check missing ppl files for these children at the Olympics.
ive had a migraine for 3 days and bp is low or too high so i'm gonna take it easy and not upset myself.