>Talk about a boring job..
>Paid to just sit and post the same shit day in day out..
the really good ones get to move up to the career ladder to telemarketer, scamming retirees out of their savings
>Talk about a boring job..
>Paid to just sit and post the same shit day in day out..
the really good ones get to move up to the career ladder to telemarketer, scamming retirees out of their savings
>I am boycotting Olympics
no one cares
i'm boycotting your retarded slide posts
anybody care?
>rightfully so
anons should blast that shit day and night everywhere they can
make sure EVERY normie has their face shoved in it
major disappointment
wanted another outsider
someone that scares them MORE than trump
stupid choice
sryโฆ. NOT sry
top kek!
ya got the one with the bimbo calling the garage mechanics sexist pigs bcs they laughed at her when she brought her tesla in for an oil change?
carrying on the tradition of faggot first ladies started by FDR
"free speech" loses out to public decency
always has
always should
not telling you that you can't say it
just that you can't say it HERE
imagine the shrieks of antisemitism if they mocked the jews
or the calls for a fatwa if they mocked the muzzies
the dildo who posted this half-assed meme apparently couldn't tell the difference between a ROCKET engine and a jet engine
people have a right to collectively decide that they want to protect their innocent children from filth
what's ok in private is NOT ok in public
if you disagree, you're SICK
>when the world went to war to free those poor wittle commies
you have NO CLUE what wwii was about
your day of reckoning is speeding toward you like a runaway freight train
is this slide REALLY how you want to waste your last hours on earth before you face the noose?
sad little monkey
i'm NOT scared
i'm NOT threatening you
try projecting less
i'm a student of all religions
my private beliefs are beyond your puny capacity to comprehend
the pic of the sunken ship is NOT a pic of the titanic on the sea floor
that vessel is in shallow water, lit by sunlight from above
epic fail