Anonymous ID: 0b6f41 July 28, 2024, 8:15 a.m. No.21309640   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9661 >>9711


They mocked Jesus. Your personal beliefs about parallels in mythologies to the story of Jesus does not change what they did. Nor do any said parallels negate any story of Jesus. Jesus drank water too. Will you compare him to Lucifer if Lucifer drinks water? I used to think like you, so I don't need to read anymore about any of the things I grasped at in the past to try and convince myself that I could ignore Jesus. Jesus is Lord. He died on the cross and rose again. The iconography of The Last Super was used by Satanists at the Olympic Ceremony in violation of the Olympic's charter, Rule 50. They wore our Christianity as their Blackface because Satanists express their religion in this way. The media has declared that the only people offended by this metaphorical blackface are blacks so it doesn't matter. You argue that Dionysus is the same as Jesus so we should not what? Be offended? Be Christians? What exactly is your motive here? Do you think you will convince me to stop believing in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior?