Anonymous ID: 143806 July 28, 2024, 6:31 a.m. No.21309216   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9452 >>9524 >>9579 >>9587 >>9606 >>9760 >>9860 >>9909

>>21307733 Senator Mark KellyPN


Weird thought, since they got away with Bidan doubles for almost 4 years with Normies, what would stop them for doing the same with Kamala? Maybe a smarter, softer and more compassionate, better policy and not the insane nut she is? Nahhh they wouldn’t do it again! Or would they?


If her voice changes over the next few months, that may be the sign, or if her neck doesn’t look like an old hag, with wrinkles. She’s got huge teeth, may change them. They are so arrogant, I wouldn’t put it past them.


Is that a mask on Kelly, or is he an alien from elsewhere that came back from space? Or just a bad facelift?

Anonymous ID: 143806 July 28, 2024, 6:56 a.m. No.21309307   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9321 >>9335 >>9557 >>9572 >>9760 >>9860 >>9909

Anons have you noticed what I’ve noticed?


Ever since the assassination attempt on Trump’s life:


  1. Research and Digging has gotten massively better, more energetic, more accurate and less reruns.

  2. Anons are being more creative and intelligent on theories and discussions.

  3. The research in most cases are more accurate and leads to more research.

  4. Notables are full of interesting subjects.

  5. Anons with the understanding if criminal minds and psychology are discussing further research.

  6. The breads have been racing by day and night, sometimes in day breads it took a couple hours to get through. Night breads the same.

  7. Anons are filled with dramatic courage and drive in our work, coming up with theories of interest not touched before

  8. A lot less spam for distractions

  9. We are soldiers again and we will never stop, all must be exposed and revealed for the great awakening. It’s accelerating at a speed I haven’t seen for quite a while.

  10. Question: did old anons and autists come back? If so all are welcome back except the shills, trolls, bots and spam.


It’s almost like our original mission with Q, some very profound and intelligent avenues of research, joy in the work, and somewhat more harmony.


The motivation that accelerated all of this is because:No one fucks with and tries to kill our President Donald J. Trump! When the Holy Spirit descended into Trump that moment he turned his head and saved his life. It seems like the Holy Spirit descended on anons and on the Board on July 13, 2024, and was a massive marker


This and more seems obvious to me…the timetable of the Awakening is accelerated to light speed, or warp speed.


Have anons noticed anything else!