Anonymous ID: 85cb97 July 28, 2024, 6:05 a.m. No.21309165   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9186 >>9760 >>9860 >>9909

Kamala’s Plan to Transform the Criminal Justice System and Re-Envision Public Safety in America


A plan to fundamentally transform our criminal justice system to shift away from mass incarceration and to invest in building safer and healthier communities.


Click here for a PDF version of the plan*/


Reforming our criminal justice system is as complex and pressing an endeavor as any other in our lifetime. It is the civil rights issue of our time, and there is perhaps no one more uniquely suited to taking on this issue than Kamala Harris.

From the civil rights protests she attended as a child, to her time working inside the system as a prosecutor, Kamala has seen firsthand the fundamental flaws of the system. And because of her experiences, she has the insight and the fight to fundamentally transform the system for the better.

At its best, the system serves to hold serious wrongdoers accountable and achieve justice for crime survivors, while helping to build safer and healthier communities. At its worst, decades of failed policies have created an unjust, unequal, and vastly expansive system that disproportionately harms communities of color and criminalizes individuals just because they are poor. It is long past time to re-envision public safety by strengthening and supporting our communities and drastically limiting the number of people we expose to our criminal justice system. As president, Kamala will fundamentally transform how we approach public safety.



The criminal justice system in America is vast. There are about 2.3 million people in the nation’s prisons and jails today. Of the 2.3 million people, nearly 2 million are in state prisons and local jails. Thus, it is important to understand that much of criminal justice policy occurs on the state and local level. However, the president also has an important role to play in effecting change.

As president, there are four main levers that Kamala can exercise to change criminal justice policy. She can: (1) work with Congress and use her executive authority to change law and policy on the federal level; (2) investigate state and local actors through the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division; (3) empower and incentivize behavior on the state and local level through federal funding; and (4) use her voice as president to advocate for change. And as president, Kamala will exercise every one of these levers to increase public safety, reduce our outsized criminal justice system, and make it fairer and more equitable for all.

Guiding Principles:

(1) End Mass Incarceration and Invest Resources into Evidence and Community-Based Programs that Reduce Crime and Help Build Safe and Healthy Communities

(2) Law Enforcement’s Primary Mission is to Serve and Protect Communities. It Should Instill Trust and Be Accountable to the Communities It Serves

(3) The System Must Treat Individuals Equitably and Humanely

(4) The System Must Protect Vulnerable People


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Anonymous ID: 85cb97 July 28, 2024, 6:12 a.m. No.21309177   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9244 >>9751 >>9760 >>9860 >>9909

Former CNN Analyst Says Dems Forced To Pick Harris Because She’s A ‘Black Woman’


A former CNN analyst claimed on Friday that Democrats would not have selected Kamala Harris “in a vacuum” but were forced to do so because of her skin color, gender, and her status as vice president.


Harris is running as the presumptive nominee based on support from party insiders, despite having little support from primary voters. Chris Cillizza mentioned on his YouTube channel that, given the circumstances and the limited time before the Democratic National Convention following President Joe Biden’s sudden withdrawal from the race, Democrats might have chosen a different nominee if not for who Harris is.


“I think you need to win the Midwest and Pennsylvania to get elected president if you’re a Democrat. And I think Harris is, at best, an even money bet to win those states,” Cillizza said. “I think she probably has as much a chance as pre-debate Biden. So she can win, but it’s no lock … But the realities of the way the Democratic Party works, the vice president of the United States, who is a black woman, is not going to be the nominee.”


“In a situation like this, in a situation where it’s like the president says he’s not running again, the convention is in a month, they have to pick really fast, she’s going to win,” he continued. “Even if it was an open convention, which it’s not really going to be … she would’ve won anyway. But is she the best candidate in a vacuum if the Democrats could pick anyone with no repercussions? No, she is not.”


Cillizza responded to a viewer’s question about whether a ticket with two Rust Belt governors would be better than having Harris as the vice president. He stated that Harris has “limited experience,” a “far-left voting record,” and “border crisis baggage.” The former CNN analyst agreed with the viewer’s concerns and expressed his belief that Democrats would have nominated Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer or Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro over Harris under normal circumstances.




Ex-CNN Analyst Says Dems Wouldn’t Have Picked Harris ‘In A Vacuum’ But Had To Because She’s ‘Black Woman’ VP


— Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) July 26, 2024


According to border security hawks who spoke to the Daily Caller, a Harris presidency might lead to an escalation of the border crisis. Her Senate voting history, her remarks regarding the federal immigration agencies, and her behavior as the vice president indicate a significant shift towards the progressive side.


Liberal Wisconsin voters participating in an MSNBC segment that aired on Thursday expressed their disapproval of the process that led to Harris becoming the de facto Democratic nominee, but they stated their intention to vote for her in the November election.


“I think by trying to clear the field and ensure that it was going to be Biden and… not allow us to have an actual democratic primary process — I’m not saying I think Kamala Harris is going to lose, but I do think that we would have been benefited significantly if he had figured this out far sooner so there could have actually been more time to have an internal debate, have internal democracy within the party,” one male voter told the network.


That said, a Democrat candidate for statewide office in Pennsylvania has leveled a serious accusation against Shapiro, who has been rising on Vice President Kamala Harris’ shortlist of potential running mates.


Treasurer nominee Erin McClelland “appeared to accuse Shapiro of sexism and covering up sexual harassment,” going on to “imply he wouldn’t be satisfied playing second fiddle” to Harris, the New York Post reported, quoting a tweet she posted on Tuesday evening.


“I want a VP pick that’s secure enough to be second under a woman, is content to be VP & won’t undermine the President to maneuver his own election & doesn’t sweep sexual harassment under the rug. I want someone that can speak to rural voters,” she wrote, endorsing North Carolina Democratic Gov. Roy Cooper.


The New York Post added: “McClelland noted she did not mention Shapiro’s name directly in her tweet but told The Post her concerns about the extent of the governor’s presidential ambitions should he be added to the ticket.”

Anonymous ID: 85cb97 July 28, 2024, 6:15 a.m. No.21309188   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9478 >>9760 >>9860 >>9909

Ivermectin Has Surprising Potential Against Cancer


I first heard that ivermectin (IVM) has significant potential to treat cancer in an Epoch Times video interview featuring Dr. Kathleen Ruddy, who has partnered with the FLCCC (Front Line Covid-19 Critical Care Alliance) to research it. Recall that IVM is the same “horse dewormer” the FDA and others in the medical industrial complex went to great lengths to discourage as a Covid-19 treatment. In the video, Dr. Ruddy suggested why so little research is being done on it: “…the pharmaceutical industries were not going to invest in a $0.10 pill. If the pharmaceutical industries were not willing to do that, no one else was going to do it, because pharma funds everyone that is doing research.”


As a prostate cancer survivor, I was especially drawn to her first example of Paul Mann who was perfectly healthy with no family history of cancer and suddenly diagnosed with stage 4 prostate cancer. He went through all the known cancer treatments with no success so his status was terminal with his cancer metastasizing to 11 bones. Paul’s PSA (Prostrate-Specific Antigen Test) was off the charts between 700 and 800. To put Paul’s PSA number in perspective, when mine spiked past 12, my urologist gave me only two options, either schedule surgery or start radiation.


It was very obvious that Paul was totally out of options and by chance he had a friend who was acquainted with Dr. Ruddy and knew of her cancer research. He connected the two. They discussed his past treatments and symptoms at length telephonically and in one of those consultations Dr. Ruddy asked; “Paul, I don’t know if this [IVM] is going to help you, but I know it’s not going to hurt you.” He agreed to try it and two months later his PSA number was down to 1.3, meaning he was in biochemical remission. However, he still had the bone metastasis. Nine months later, he gets a head-to-toe scan that found three bone cancers were totally gone and the rest could be treated with radiation. Now he is back to work and doing well.


Getting a prescription for IVM in 2022 was difficult. Paul had to go to Tennessee because it was available there without a prescription due to passage of a new law signed in April 2022. Although the law may sound reckless, state legislators had much expert assistance from highly respected medical professionals including Dr. Robert Malone, Dr. Ryan Cole, Dr. Richard Urso, Dr. Pierre Kory, Dr. John Little and many others. These doctors assured that the law included safeguards requiring a description of the patient’s symptoms, a list of any preexisting conditions and list of other medications being taken so the right dosage could be determined by the pharmacist. Paul’s IVM prescription even showed up in his oncologist’s records in Missouri without being requested.


More personal research found that the FLCCC was not the first to discover the potential of IVM for treating cancer. A September 2020 study in the NIH National Library of Medicine revealed similar encouraging evidence:


“Abstract: “Ivermectin has powerful antitumor effects, including the inhibition of proliferation, metastasis, and angiogenic activity, in a variety of cancer cells. This may be related to the regulation of multiple signaling pathways by ivermectin through PAK1 kinase. On the other hand, ivermectin promotes programmed cancer cell death, including apoptosis, autophagy and pyroptosis. Ivermectin induces apoptosis and autophagy is mutually regulated. Interestingly, ivermectin can also inhibit tumor stem cells and reverse multidrug resistance and exerts the optimal effect when used in combination with other chemotherapy drugs.”


Cancer types where IVM was tested and found to be effective:


2.1 Breast cancer


2.2 Digestive system cancer


2.3 Urinary system [including prostate] cancer


2.4 Hematological [leukemia] cancer


2.5 Reproductive system cancer


2.6 Brain glioma


2.7 Respiratory system cancer


2.8 Melanoma

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Anonymous ID: 85cb97 July 28, 2024, 6:18 a.m. No.21309193   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9520 >>9760 >>9860 >>9909

Kamala Comes to Collect


To use the words of a small boy speaking to his idol, “Shoeless Joe” Jackson, “Say it ain’t so, Joe!”


Yep, it’s so. Joe Biden and the Democrats failed (on purpose?) to groom Kamala Harris to lead the party into the future. Joe and they viewed her only as a DIE hire who could get votes, as a throw-away. Biden passed the torch to Harris, but before that, he showed less interest in grooming her as a successor than in crude racial patronage. Democrats know that Harris isn’t the best person to represent the party. Yet convention delegates must support her because of Biden’s endorsement and because they’re shackled by their party’s radical embrace of identity politics. Can they support Kamala Harris without making it seem like the convention was “rigged”?


Joe Biden’s mental acuity was questionable when he ran for president. He and the Democrats should have spent the past three-plus years grooming his potential successor. Instead, he (or Jill) thought he was immortal, so they sidelined his vice president, didn’t do anything to showcase Harris as a governing partner to the oldest president in history. Kamala Harris is not very competent and not a particularly compelling leader. However, Biden knew that skipping over her had the potential to anger and alienate core Democrat constituencies like black and female voters. But she had already introduced herself to the American public, and no voters, core Democrat constituencies or otherwise, have rallied behind her.


Ron Klain, Biden’s former chief of staff, admitted that the White House should have worked harder to groom Kamala Harris for the future. Said Klain (who is known to be an advocate of Harris), “Promoting one’s vice president is ‘always hard.’ Obviously, I wish, you know — you could always do more, and you should do more.” As a consequence, many Americans, after three years of Biden’s and the Democrats’ poor stewardship of Harris, are now looking at her as if for the first time.


Lack of grooming has made Harris poor at diplomacy. When Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu addressed the U.S. Congress, Harris failed to preside over the Senate chamber for Netanyahu’s speech. She chose instead to address a sorority event in Indianapolis. This is not the first time Harris has failed at foreign policy. She attempted to convince Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky to refrain from striking Russian oil refineries and putting upward pressure on global energy prices. And she was characterized as “invisible” by Isabel Schnabel, an executive board member of the European Central Bank.


Biden and Democrats insist that Harris’s vice presidency has been minimized by design. She has been relegated to warm-up speaker and Biden stand-in, delivered remarks at White House events while Biden attended summits, or visited foreign leaders when Biden was on a vacation, or, after the debate, brought in to do clean-up. Despite Biden saying that he wanted his second-in-command to be a governing “partner” during the 2020 campaign, she got the “border czar” assignment, at which she failed miserably. Longtime Harris supporters don’t see what she’s done or has tried to do as vice president. Harris has, in an effort to deflect criticism, said the V.P. job comes with outsized scrutiny and no forgiveness for even small errors.


Harris hasn’t been a particularly exciting vice president. However, as Biden’s partner for the last three and a half years, she has had no choice but to support and defend the agenda, policies, and actions of a president who is very unpopular.


Now that her turn at the top of the ticket has unavoidably come, it’s quite clear that she is woefully inadequate for the job of president. And the tight election timeline will magnify any missteps she will make. Harris has managed to become known for only three things: word salads, cackling at the wrong time, and abortion.


As for word salads, she served up another one at the Essence Festival of Culture music festival in New Orleans, giving a repetitive definition of the word “culture.” “Culture is — it is a reflection of our moment in our time, right? And in present culture is the way we express how we’re feeling about the moment.”


As for cackling at the wrong time, she cackled during a joint press conference with Polish president Andrzej Duda in Warsaw. The cackle led Ukraine president Volodymyr Zelensky’s former press secretary to say it would be a “tragedy” if she ever became president.

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Anonymous ID: 85cb97 July 28, 2024, 7 a.m. No.21309331   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9760 >>9860 >>9909

Israel Strikes Hezbollah After Rocket Attack on Soccer Field As Many Fear a New War Is Imminent


The Israel Air Force struck Hezbollah facilities throughout Lebanon Sunday in response to a Hezbollah rocket attack that killed 12 Druze young people on a soccer field in an Israeli town in the Golan Heights. It was the deadliest attack on Israel since October 7, 2023, and stoked fears that the war between Israel and Hamas in Gaza might broaden into a war between Israel and Hezbollah in the Hezbollah heartland of the Bekaa Valley.


Yesterday, Hezbollah fired at least two rockets into the Israeli town of Majdal Shams.


The town is mostly Muslim Druze, who retain Syrian citizenship under the 1981 law annexing the area and are not drafted into the Israel Defense Forces.


The attack prompted Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to return early from his visit to the United States and immediately meet with his cabinet to plan a response.

The rockets struck a soccer field inside the city.

These are the victims and the mass funeral.

Hezbollah immediately shifted from a "We did it" celebration to playing Sergeant Schultz.

This was followed by terror simps on social media claiming that the rocket was an errant Iron Dome missile.

This account is a pro-Assad account, excluding the fact that it still wasn't all that convincing.

Here is another video purporting to be the same event, even though it obviously isn't.

This video appears to show a successful Iron Dome interception. We don't know where or when it was taken; what we do know is that the impact of debris from the interception is not in Majdal Shams.

This Israeli response was not long in coming.


Israel’s military said it targeted Hezbollah weapons caches and militant infrastructure in Lebanon overnight, including in the areas of Chabriha, Borj El Chmali, Beqaa, Kfarkela, Rab El Thalathine, Khiam and Tayr Harfa.


Because of the specifics of the attack — the victims were Druze, not Israeli, and it took place in Golan, not Israel-proper — the odds of this being the flashpoint for a wider regional war are limited. One of the unintended consequences may be solidifying Druze support for Israel among those living there and creating an enemy for Hezbollah in Syria.

Anonymous ID: 85cb97 July 28, 2024, 7:02 a.m. No.21309341   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9522 >>9663 >>9760 >>9860 >>9909

Rubio, Scott Demand DOJ Deny 9/11 Terrorist's Request to Transfer to Home Country


9/11 planner Zacarias Moussaoui recently requested the Department of Justice (DOJ) make a prisoner transfer so that he could live out the remainder of his life sentence in his native France. A letter by Senators Marco Rubio (R-FL) and Rick Scott (R-FL) urged the DOJ to deny Moussaoui's request, their text brief yet furious. "This should not be a difficult decision to make. We demand that you swiftly deny this terrorist's international transfer request."


Moussaoui infamously refused to plead during his arraignment in 2002, and during jury selection for his trial in 2006, he supposedly disrupted proceedings twice, saying, "I want to be heard. I do not want to be represented by these people"… "They are not my lawyers. I am al Qaeda. They do not represent me. They are American"… "This trial is a circus," suggesting he held no remorse for his actions.


While the exact date of his recent request to live in France is unknown, Sens. Scott and Rubio were adamant in their urging the DOJ to refuse Moussaoui's request, saying, "No consideration whatsoever should be given to this convicted terrorist's preferences for where to serve his sentence for his heinous crimes, and we demand that you swiftly deny his transfer request and force him to spend the remainder of his pathetic life imprisoned in the country he and his fellow terrorists attacked 23 years ago."


Scott and Rubio reiterated the loss of life incurred by Moussaoui and the rest of al Qaeda's actions that terrible day, saying that while the victims could not be brought back, "the tens of thousands of surviving family members of the victims should be able to expect that our government will keep Moussaoui confined in an American prison for the entirety of his life sentence without the possibility of release or transfer."


"This should not be a difficult decision to make. We demand that you swiftly deny this terrorist's international transfer request," the letter concluded.


In November, Representative Greg Steube (R-FL) introduced a bill prohibiting 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and four other conspirators, who have yet to face trial due to legal obstacles related to supposed torture while under U.S. custody, from receiving plea deals.

Anonymous ID: 85cb97 July 28, 2024, 7:04 a.m. No.21309350   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9573 >>9760 >>9860 >>9909

Survey Finds Harris Narrowing Trump Lead, But He Still Has Advantage


A new poll conducted for The Wall Street Journal found that Vice President Kamala Harris has significantly cut into former President Donald Trump’s lead over President Joe Biden, but the GOP nominee still has some significant advantages heading into the peak of this year’s election cycle.


According to the results, Trump leads Harris 49-47 percent, which is within the poll’s 3.1 percent margin of error. Earlier this month, Trump held a 6-point lead when Biden backed out and endorsed his VP.


The WSJ added:


On a ballot test that included Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and other independent and third-party candidates, Harris receives 45% and Trump gets 44%. Kennedy is backed by just 4% and 5% remain undecided. Biden trailed in the multicandidate contest by six points in the last poll.


Harris has made strides in reassembling the coalition that put Biden in the White House in 2020, one that had been fraying under the stress of unease about his physical and mental sharpness. Black, Latino and young voters all showed greater support for her than they did for Biden in a Journal survey taken in the days after his disastrous debate performance on June 27.


A shift in the demographic composition of Democratic support could change the states where Harris could be competitive against Trump, a Republican seeking a third term. Increased support among nonwhite voters could benefit her in the more racially and ethnically diverse battleground states—Arizona, Nevada, Georgia, and North Carolina—where Biden was facing challenges.


“Only 37% of Biden voters were enthusiastic about him in early July and now 81% of Harris voters are enthusiastic about her,” Democratic pollster Mike Bocian, who conducted the survey with Republican pollster David Lee, said. “This is an astounding change.”


However, there are some big advantages for Trump. For one, though enthusiasm for Harris among Democrats is much higher than it was for Biden, Republicans are still more enthusiastic about voting for the former president. Also, Lee cautioned that Democrats should not be overly confident in Harris.


“While Democrats and many in the media will tout these tightened ballot numbers as a change in the race, let’s not forget that at this time in July 2020 The Wall Street Journal national polling had Biden leading Trump by 9 points and had Biden leading Trump in August by 11 points,” he told the WSJ. “Donald Trump is in a far better position in this election when compared to a similar time in the 2020 election.”


Lee also noted the approval of Trump’s job performance as president in this survey, the highest recorded so far this election cycle in the poll. “A majority of voters—51%—approve of the job Trump did as president, while a majority of voters—50%—disapprove of the job Kamala Harris is doing as vice president.


Also, the Journal added: “A race that is essentially tied nationally means Trump would still likely have the Electoral College advantage, given the way the country’s population is dispersed. In 2016, Trump lost the popular vote to Hillary Clinton by nearly 3 million votes, but won more than 300 out of 538 Electoral College votes.”


Harris also faces significant challenges because her vice presidency is closely tied to a Biden administration record that includes a chaotic southern border, rising prices, and protracted wars in the Middle East and Ukraine.


According to the poll, Trump is seen as more capable than Harris at handling immigration, the economy, foreign relations, and crime. However, Harris is favored 51% to 33% over Trump in dealing with abortion. The two are rated closely on the question of who best “cares about people like you.”

Anonymous ID: 85cb97 July 28, 2024, 7:27 a.m. No.21309434   🗄️.is 🔗kun



California's Kamala Harris becomes first Indian-American US senator*/