Anonymous ID: e2332b July 28, 2024, 7:20 a.m. No.21309404   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9735


what is the life span of such a person?

the weight is excessive and there is little chance she'll live past her 30s, right?

she's sad, in denial, and being misled and used.

she needs our prayers not our condemnation.

though her participation in that unseemly mockery ought not be overlooked.

Anonymous ID: e2332b July 28, 2024, 7:21 a.m. No.21309411   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9440


why do you sick peole always post your depravity that is instantly filtered?

do you really leave your hotel room like that?

you ought to check-in to a mental hospital instead of a hotel.

Anonymous ID: e2332b July 28, 2024, 7:26 a.m. No.21309428   🗄️.is 🔗kun


do you not believe that there are symbols that, while they do not always mean something horrible, are used as a way for depraved people to communicate with each other under cover?

Anonymous ID: e2332b July 28, 2024, 7:32 a.m. No.21309462   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9469



pretends to send a 'helpful message' but has to make into an insult.

why do you shills do this kind of thing?

what compulsion is it that makes you turn every single thing you say into a putdown?

is it a sense of your own total worthlessness?

we interact in a way that we are taught to interact, so you were probably trained to be this persona who acts like a total jerk and can't hold back on the insults.

why don't you get help and reform?

Anonymous ID: e2332b July 28, 2024, 7:50 a.m. No.21309535   🗄️.is 🔗kun


be aware that the 'new normal' here is that the BV will delete at will those who they feel are either spam or dissing a particular group.

and if you complain or ask about it when it happens they may just delete you too.

it sucks and it's been like this for a long while.

so beware and don't be surprised if it happens to you.

say and post what you want and ignore the issue because usually it's stuff that you kind of know will trigger them.

and most of what gets deleted is stuff that you'd either mentally filter or actually filter anyway.

and the shills will slide 'oh you support censorship' all bread when it happens.

Anonymous ID: e2332b July 28, 2024, 7:57 a.m. No.21309572   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9586 >>9624 >>9879


there have been many changes over the last few months.

I can't remember everything but I have notes.

And I'm sure I haven't noticed everything either.

a lot of the shills that used to be here seem vanquished and gone.

other ones are still here.

I suspect that there was a coup in the bread management some weeks ago, and that some who had been here for months scoffing and mocking Q and the anon were purged from being able to bake or BV.

Anonymous ID: e2332b July 28, 2024, 8:10 a.m. No.21309620   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9633


communists always sacrifice their useful idiots.

the purpose is 'Cabal control' of all resources and production and the enslavement of mankind.

'nazis' verse 'communists' is just a convenient way for them to have some games so they can bet on who wins or loses.

National Socialism is still Socialism, anon.

the top is the 'born in it' Cabal.

and even for those families being born in it doesn't mean you survive to be a ruler.

they sacrifice their own, too.