Anonymous ID: 1454d5 July 28, 2024, 5:52 p.m. No.21312231   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Anon opinion

“They” are seething to go to war in the Middle East . Palestinian anon (grew up one hour drive from the place that got bombed in Israel)

Remember anon Bibi, Hezbollah, Hammas, and Iranian leadership are all khazars one and the same

From what anon heard from family back there and from the Israeli news and the Israeli alternative media that Rocket and listen to this : was Bibi’s response to Trump after their meeting

They wanna drag the whole area to war

It was an Israeli rocket that was meant to intercept Hezballah Rockets but somehow, somewhere it didn’t and fell on a stand where people were sitting and watching soccer

That village is in the Golan heights that was considered Syria and Israel took in 1967. The village has Druze and Christian living in it. They consider themselves Syrian and Palestinians living near by calll them our Syrian brothers

The normies living there both Jews, and Palestinians feel something big is coming and many are leaving the country to visit family members abroad until everything is calm

Anon feels it too, anon sees August 11 (praying nothing happens)

But anon feels super calm too and comfy

The Israeli MSM is sounding the war drum, the Israeli telegram alternative channel called Bibi a war mongerer and that one that will bring the destruction of the temple every normie and every Israeli anon feels something big is coming

Just throwing it out there

Praying nothing happens

The targeting of pure ancient DNA continues in the Middle East

Praying for all sides and for the US

May God turn their evil to pure goodness to us and “them”