Anonymous ID: 73e642 July 28, 2024, 3:46 p.m. No.21311739   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1782


retarded satanist defender projects own failure in being ignorant of Q drops.


Q called out the satanists, never the jews.


You honestly want anons to believe that that fat chick actress is the NWO queen? GTFO.


Thanks for playing chump.

Anonymous ID: 73e642 July 28, 2024, 3:57 p.m. No.21311785   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1815


The extreme anti-religion zealots like yourself have a superiority complex that you project onto those who HUMBLE themselves under God.Noneof you can keep your anti-religion shit to yourselves. You have to shove it in everyone's faces, including mocking Christianity at the Olympic games with the world watching, drag queen story time for children, and rainbow flags in every radical left shithole. It just so happens that this time, Christians are the world's biggest threat to the globalist cult who worship satan. You're also easy targets, because you announce yourselves everywhere Christian speech takes place. You mock Mohammed, you mock Jesus, you mock Jews, then you project and accuse Christians of mocking Mohammed. Your pathetic infiltration was always easy to spot, the same patterns over and over and over again, the same network of shills. You will never silence or censor Christians, or Muslims, or Jews. You will reap the whirlwind of the disgusting world your warped mind created for itself.

Anonymous ID: 73e642 July 28, 2024, 4:14 p.m. No.21311846   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1877


>>The extreme anti-religion zealots like yourself have a superiority complex that you project onto those who HUMBLE themselves under God

>Whoever said I was "anti-religion," Anon?

You don't have to say you're anti-religion first before it's true. It can be true whether you say it or not.

>>You have to shove it in everyone's faces, including mocking Christianity at the Olympic games with the world watching, drag queen story time for children, and rainbow flags in every radical left shithole.

>Kek, but I did none of these things.

Christiananon did nothing of what you accused.

>I'm also not the one that accepts homosexuality in to my religion, when it's expressly forbidden.

Your "religion" is to attack religion, aka anti-religion.

>>It just so happens that this time, Christians are the world's biggest threat to the globalist cult who worship satan.

>Still tying them to your religious dogma.

Still projecting your own dogma as if your dogma is not dogma.

>Who do you think they're going come after, when muh "Satanists" (tm) are gone?

Your satanic masters are the ones going after the innocent worldwide.

>>You mock Mohammed, you mock Jesus, you mock Jews, then you project and accuse Christians of mocking Mohammed.

>Except I didn't "mock" anyone?

You mock and mock and mock and mock, then pretend that you're not mocking.

>>You will never silence or censor Christians, or Muslims, or Jews.

>Nah, I'm just patiently waiting for you dipshits to destroy yourselves, 'cos you're too stupid to see how your being used through religion dogma.

That's what's happening to your cult masters.

>You will reap the whirlwind of the disgusting world your warped mind created for itself.>

Kek. I thought "God" (tm) created the world, Dipshit?

You need to work on your reading comprehension. The world you created for yourself includes the yourself in the world that you have made.