Anonymous ID: bb43c9 July 28, 2024, 4:45 p.m. No.21311960   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1968 >>1970

Satan here, bad news bro's the world worships Saturn, not me. im just the personified verion of Saturn


YOu want to know where you started, look to saturn

you want to know about the all seeing eye, check out saturns sough pole

you looking for water, we got it too

Wormhole, corrupted, but still working in the north pole

Yeah all you fags are part monley and alien



Looking for the falling angels?

look in the mirror faggots


Saturn is the False Light jesus warned you fags about.


666 comes from the trinity, a perfect triangle has a 60 degree angle at all 3 points


ffs do i have to teach them all again god?

How many times to i need to bring them the apple? ffs

Anonymous ID: bb43c9 July 28, 2024, 4:53 p.m. No.21311999   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2023


>Free will.

See i told God not to give you niggas free will

now look at yall, all superior and shit acting like gods yourself


im warning ya, any of ya trying to come take over hell we are swinging hands
