Anonymous ID: fd4b02 July 28, 2024, 3:09 p.m. No.21311544   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Tucker Carlson:


Those who carry hate in their hearts will never know peace.


About Joe Biden.


He was Evil all right, he chose evil, he spawned evil, he gathered wealth after riches after 10% at the expense of so so many others, on the losses of so many lives. He climbed to the heights of the political world.


But his physical condition, his mental condition, was already deteriorating when he was installed as President in 2020.


From then on, he was Big Pharma’s, MIC’s, et al., My Little Pony.


What did his family do?


Did they rally around the failing old gentleman like yours or my family would (and will)?


Fuck no. They turned him into the poster boy for elder abuse. An object of ridicule and scorn. Cows for slaughter are better treated, and with more kindness. Do you think that’s the way he envisioned his future while perpetrating so much evil before?


To me, the saddest thing of all, the sorry, karmic ending to this life of evil: NO ONE STOPPED THEM from abusing this failing old man. No one wanted to stop them. No one cared.


Instead of hating this guy, dig deep and grow your compassion. Look at his karma, imagine his shit-filled shoes for two seconds as he wanders perpetually in the dark, alone, and thank God his end will never be yours. Why?


Because you know how to love. So does your family. Just like mine.


Remember, we are eternal; spiritual beings having a temporary physical experience. Rise above.


God's will in all things. And the Sun.