Anonymous ID: ffd220 July 28, 2024, 4:14 p.m. No.21311845   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Stanley Kubrickn was trying to tell us the truth in Eyes Wide Shut. It's the Conscious reality vs the Collective Unconscious.


While Bill consciously, unknowingly, and symbolically went through all 33 degrees of Freemasonry by doing random acts, to the Unconcious it counted and was actually initiated and bound.


Q mentions we are being controlled. Q mentions psyops. Q mentions brainwashing. Carl Jung (Freud's assistant) talked at length about the collective unconscious and archetypes. Hannibal Lecter can be seen as an archetype too.


The collective unconscious is what manifests our reality. It's the controlling force, and it's been taken over.


The space race, Apollo 11 getting to the moon was just symbolic of venturing to the unconscious. One of the pieces in Eyes Wide Shut was Alice. Symbolism points to her being Ishtar/Inanna/Isis/Aphrodite…etc


Pink Floyd's Dark Side of the Moon logo I believe depicts a purposeful fracturing of the unconscious into multiple archetypes… a compartmentalization if you will.


Curiously, Alice In Wonderland is eerily similar to Inanna's Descent to the Underworld. I don't believe that's a coincidence and I think it's been used to 'programmer collective unconscious.


If we look back at Eyes Wide Shut we can see another clue. They are using loose interpretation to apply these invisible shackles to us. Where they were supposed to use paper records (documents) they used musical records (CDs). I don't believe any of this was done by mistake. All of Trump's talk of corrupt Judges points to outward manifestation but it also explains inwardly how this can be used against the unconscious mind.


Now I believe the role of President also is connected with the unconscious, which is why Hillary could not win as it would be symbolic of Ishtar winning control over the unconscious.


I also believe The Constitution of the United States of America could be loosely interpreted to bind the unconscious as well. Just by the words constitution and state… and the fact it was AFTER the revolutionary War when the symbol of the Eagle (Ishtar/Columbia) was adopted. There is also a left hemisphere vs right hemisphere brain battle going on as well as mirroring macro and micro.


I wonder what other things are being used, symbolically, to attack our unconscious selves?