boring bot
I know they are terrible meme though.
and you seem to be a faggot in need of a kick to the throat.
did Biden Just fuck them all over. Biden and Clinton? Also includes him.
well that is why I am curious what the fuck is going on with this proposal. What is the purpose if it can not be done.
you are correct, but then again the damage is already done in many cases about the trust factor of all these institutions. Do you just fire every government employee at this point because not a lick can remain. Get totally new judges so everyone can be at ground level start. Even if they fail it does not decrease the sentiment involved
please be dead please be dead
ding ding ding winner winner chicken tendie dinner
bingo neither side would trust the results at this point and to have enough time to show people the evidence will be tricky so that things dont get fucky no matter which way it goes.