Anonymous ID: 1845d7 July 29, 2024, 12:59 p.m. No.21316609   🗄️.is 🔗kun


TPTB want to use the Earth's natural warming/cooling cycles to claim that their agendas solved climate change.


Trump being elected sped-up their agenda of a Pandemic lockdown, and therefore also, their climate change agenda. A further delay (i.e. Trump being elected again and distrupting their plans) will likely show the world that the Climate agenda is a complete fraud, as they are trying to interfere with, in order to gain power and profit from, Earth's natural hot/cold cycles.


The Pandemic lockdowns were supposed to begin near the peak/ending of the natural warming cycle (now-ish) before the curve trends cooler.


Then, when the weather starts to cool NATURALLY, between now and about 2030, they were going to claim that the locking everything down caused the cooling!


In reality, the cooling is natural, what the lockdown really did was pause their weather modification practices, like chemtrails and HAARP, which are used to increase heat.


Crossing 2030, when cooling should really be kicking off, the Earth corrects itself by infusing freshwater from the ice sheets into the salty oceans, thereby slowing/shutting down the ocean conveyor (thermohaline circulation). This causes natural cooling - these people want to prevent the ice caps from melting, remember? because they don't want cooling, they want heat until they can say claim their actions/agendas caused the cooling (fraudulently).