Loser who thinks socialism is the fix. I thought he was Pizza the Hut from Spaceballs that ate himself.
All those supposed federal agencies are taxpayer supported private corporations. The should all be stripped of USA or Federal from their names.
The fake hubby don't care since he sticks her up the ass like all his other boy toys.
Panama needs US $$$ and engineers to fix the canal. Gee, I thought they were a free people with genius engineers. China will court them next, after all the 3 Gorges Dam is so outstanding, as are all their Ghost cities built to make fake money on a fake real estate market.
Does that mean he'll take all the El Salvadoran immigrants back ?
Before Newsom is done, most homeowners will have abandoned California. Then the illegals can form warlord gangs and stake out their territories.
Yeah and Hotep Joe ain't dead already.
There is nothing as radical as the truth in a sea of lies.
DJT provided proof of life and minimum injury, Fight Fight Fight just in case the secret service whacked him on the way out.
Soon to be the 19th President of the restored Republic.
There is only 60% of the population left from Venezuala. The rest have fled to other countries.
But sure another socialist paradise created by fraudulent voting. Coming soon to America, They are setting the big steal up again. They tried jailing him, killing him, next up falsify the polls, the vote and alter all of Kamala's history.
The only fossil fuel on earth is peat and it makes good smoky whiskey. The rest are from the natural forces within the earth.