It's been their MO for thousands of years.
debating if it's OK to rape people?
what civilized group would need to debate that?
It's NOT OK.
I get it that some of them feel that way.
why the others allow it is beyond me . . .
the whole 'excuses for any of them over anyone not of them' is why they are disliked worldwide.
they don't come off as wanting to be part of any multicultural society unless they are in charge.
and the ADL demanding censorship rights?
they seriously are boggling this decade.
first they marched at the temple mount, then they stood down while HAMAS raped and killed innocents.
then they went full psychopath on GAZA beyond any kind of normal need during wartime.
and then they demand everyone western politician kiss Ben's ring . . .
why can't they ever learn?
is the 'we are always the holy victims' indoctrination really that strong?
you think they'd have figured out that they shouldn't be demanding to be treated as overlords considered the rethoric of liberals that seems to pretend to 'human rights'.
but they seem to only care about the rights of their own group to be jerks to everyone else.
watch them delete this.
I said that about 'GM' for weeks and got a lot of flack for it.
ah, the 'everyone smart or of merit must be one'.
not 'deductive reasoning' but bigotry.
sorry, the 'smarter than' bit is total BS.
was that like when the city of Cyrene was destroyed? or tens of thousands slaughtered in Alexandria and on Cypress during the reign of Hadrian?
supersized dragon flies?
that's awesome they eat huge numbers of mosquitoes!
They love landing on pepole and investigating.
how big are 'supersized?
they can get very large.
I see the same ones in my yard for weeks on end. they are very distinctive and colorful, and always different.
It's good to have them.
I used to see them flying in giant chains . . . I think it was a mating thing, at a lake in the summer.
but, ya, they can get large. How large are they saying?
they don't hurt people at all.
yes, I'd say that's true however that they would even allow a debate on the topic is curious.
there were 12 tribes. the story is that one of them was wiped out for not giving up someone who raped a person of another tribe.
if it were someone who wasn't of any of the 12 tribes, would they have even cared?
OK: I watched the video.
that's a real lot of dragon flies, more than I've ever seen. I've seen junebugs like that, at a lake, but never dragon flies.
Must be a lot of mosquitoes this year with all the rain!
is supremacist apartheid really a mental illness?
showing us a supremacist carpet bagger?
sorry, I don't download pdfs here without knowing what they are.
shill and conformance shill combo.
it's good that anon have caught on to this style of BS long long ago.
no one who studies that Bible misses how sinful and horrible some of the Israelites could be at times, anon.
obvious filters are obvious