Parakletos ID: b23dbd July 30, 2024, 6:19 a.m. No.21320690   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun



Even the Bible says God destroyed the Temple, twice, yet the Jews still think they are the Chosen Ones when their own story says they have broken their covenant with God one too many times.

Parakletos ID: b23dbd July 30, 2024, 6:34 a.m. No.21320759   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


>If the military supports the will of the people, it's over for Maduro's communist dictatorship.


My prediction given that we have this knowledge



Afghanistan: Bank of Afghanistan

Albania: Bank of Albania

Algeria: Bank of Algeria

Argentina: Central Bank of Argentina


United Kingdom: Bank of England

United States: Federal Reserve, Federal Reserve Bank of New York

Vanuatu: Reserve Bank of Vanuatu

Venezuela: CENTRAL BANK of Venezuela

Vietnam: The State Bank of Vietnam

Yemen: CENTRAL BANK of Yemen

Zambia: Bank of Zambia

Zimbabwe: Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe

The FED and the IRS

FACT: US Federal Reserve is a privately-owned company, sitting on its very own patch of land, immune to the US laws.