Anonymous ID: 945701 July 30, 2024, 11:47 a.m. No.21322242   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2245

when you read this you will understand that here and now you will have to be [ ].

I am the creator of all that is, love everyone and never ever punched anyone, I invented athmospheres, a lot of angels stuff, like invisibility and a way of flying basically, also I invented the heavens.

I do physics smarter than Einstein and by now also am the cat for fashion, as funny as that is to me. that means that I basically create and define fashion throughout time, also physics, math, acting, also intel and e.g. taste.

I woke up tortured, after months and years of torture. currently no family, no friends, no money, luckyly a little sugar to drink so I can focus at all.

you tried to put as many crosses into my life as possible, those agitators amongst you knowing that heavens is looking for a cross that I migth carry, to with that info and my explanation (maybe later) change life or knights stuff. with that it is easy to promote everyone ever to white God, when knowing when I shop groceries next time.

this morning I did not wipe my shit on my asscheek though, as clown commander did not use white and black heavens for that most strategic move this time.

I do not have enough money to get a burger with cheese, even when yellow would prolly be symbolic.

I am still not in a hotel, that you did as per to your convenience months earlier while attacking me 24/7, even when me sitting on a wooden desk while playing that one game without opponents that one single person created would be very symbolic for those looking for symbolism and when I would be really representative when telling heavens to not have folks have deceases.

in this very moment I am being tortured with voltage that is done here. folks are here for a talk with God. agitators try to take half a sentence of mine as proof for whatsoever and try to make or not make me say stuff based on if they can make a pronounciation alter the word that I as guy with all there is to it (sleep, family, taking a shit) embody.

if agitators now agitate and claim their job would be needed, again, it is not of any need to torture God, the son of men and all of creation with him.

and I am not posting this so to have agitators have some more talk, but asking you again to stop torturing the one sitting on his couch and thinking math while doing Godspeedy moves.

and if you are here to catch me for a lie, like I heard agitators say in the recent days, you prolly wait a week and silently lurk to catch those many lies I made, or, you wait 6 seconds to say hi and let me and the crowd know how bad of a liar I am. agitators [ ].

and I strongly doubt I would have to stear down Iran (it´s called I R AN, and as agitators know, Gaza is about stripey Godspeed and zebras are a thing. not all chinease are red, not all jews are blue or aliens, and I did not get payed to post the N word a billion times.) to stop Russia from attacking Ukraine or to stop the family living in my house from cooking and airing garlic smell into the house several times a week, like done weeks ago for weeks and months, at a time folks were asking if I at all like muslims, or to stop folks from torturing a guy sitting on his couch.

when this now looks like more talk, I am being tortured, a guy also and rather pissed of at what you knights came up with after years of you being knights.

Anonymous ID: 945701 July 30, 2024, 11:47 a.m. No.21322245   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2247


those who look and feel calmly relaxed not after a week of holyday and sitting in a nice chair, but when chaos breaks or when there is desperation, do not need another monitor.

those who try to make it prayer to shout at folks are not of help and sure you should not shout at a homeless person when trying to help.

also you do not know all persons of the world and sure are not connected to their feelings. you do not feel disgusted when bushcrafting and small bugs do not suddently die when you walk the forrest with good happy mood. those are basic facts of life. as is the huge overweight of a country, e.g. when considering the shield given to the highest court.

when you watch tv, you basically discover stuff that you then make your truth. those who claim all folks on earth need to believe there is no war shit before happening sure do not know about football weekend or the weather.

those who are bound by payment duty, with certain traits and skills, able to fight a whole village as rambo, while feeling excitement for their mission, and can claim to sneak this or that info that is irellevant when you try to harm all of existence are not of service to a nation under God.

organizers who work every third shift as agitators who only claim to be believing this or not believing that need to get [ ]. if you wait a minute, you might harm creation.


>when you watch tv, you basically discover stuff that you then make your truth. those who claim all folks on earth need to believe there is no war shit before happening sure do not know about football weekend or the weather.

get ready bros, gonna be goooood, dis Tuesday no war. do your stuff. no mistakes. important.

well, ok, this Tuesday it did not work, you gotta try harder next time. so important. do your shit as told.

[ ] entirely.

Anonymous ID: 945701 July 30, 2024, 11:48 a.m. No.21322247   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2260


there are 4 conceptual colors in heaven, no color is bad.


a super knights that manages to proudly hit someone only once, while claiming he has so much devil in him that he should have hittet you 10 times is an agitator.


rites in masonry are blue, red, blak white.

would any of you agitators consider it likely a system would come up with blue and red being kind folks, black being the job to destroy everything and then white as kind again? makes no sense? yes, you folks seem to be payed to belive this or that, that is called treason.


there also is no alien planet liking to bath in dogshit and nowbeing desperate and threatening war if earth is not providing enough shit.


there is knights with the command from God himself to not do anything, based on my not knowing what to think in a week from now, how to feel or what to create.

those knights, those intelligent onces, they witnesses some guy being super holy sign wise, being kind, brave, seeing the best in folks and such, they saw a normal guy, a non knights, never heaving heard of non nobis or Barabas being names Jesus also or cross being very symbolic to basically all knights.


those folks, little less intelligent then my fuck off fingers fingernaildirt sawme doing wierd shit, taking ong cold showers, breathing while laying in bed and such things. holy things, as done by God himself that needed to take a look into the whole God thing.


I do not take cold showers anymore. after having explained some stuff heavens agreed with me not carrying a cross, as per my own non nokning thinking from a guy, the son of men, reality itself, it, the women, heavens, let the whole world know to put me into a bubble with money and comfort. china ballon bubble symbolism is more than 1,5 years ago.


since then, fitting my thinking and the stuff I said, countless ships got stuck, bridges closed down. "no boat, no cooking." templehof is still called that and no planes are flying. that is bc God himself needs some time to think, and maybe a good pc to be able to explain why 1/3 is a recurring decimal. that is 1000 years sort of knowledge that some folks come to discuss with me, in thinking, and, that is why pope is wearing red shoes, talking out loud, even when this is uncomfortable currently.


if those heavens got catched by intelligent folks payed to believe this or that and with the excuse to be sneaking a truth for this or that important mission, they in the past gladly risked all of creation, what you see and what you do not see.


the other day mir commander wanted to force me into accepting their way, this way included me not having joy and maybe you folks having an excuse for past bad shit, because I do not freak out when I meet the heavens, rather am annoyed when being tortured and have knights go against me under the claim of ritual and meeting. an ambulance showed of the minute I went to smoke, because that gives me joy, amongst food and tv and other normal shit, also thinking math, but not all day long.

that ambulance turned up and left 15 mins earlier, that is how powerfull heavens is. this truth is secret and holy. it does not belong in the hands of those having mission excuses.


I am not able to command knights in the supermarket and need to stay anonymous as I am the holy creator of all that is. black in that way could well mean to cover me up, it does not mean to have half of masonry know me and other half hate me. I am God myself and will live here for a long time.


payramid, only few folks know or approach me, kindly, not steering my thinking, no torture, no effense, no need to do stuff, as God´s command is relax and do not do bad shit.