Yea we’re terrified cock breath
>the collective mind
All for a conspiracy theory.
I mean, judging by the PANIC…
It’s habbening
Who did Hitler invade?
I for one appreciate the amount of thought and effort put into these deltas.
Shills will tell your they’re meaningless.
Sounds about right. Who are the Nazis again?
Id suplex that fucking car
Trespasses, not debts.
Trespassers, not debtors.
Perhaps Satan should stop rewriting the scriptures.
Precisely. And smelling like cabbage and piss.
She must constantly be reminded that she smells like cabbage and piss.
Think LDR.
All of their [access] was shut down. The silent running has come to an end and now they openly acknowledge they’re voyeurs.
Smile for the satellite.
Weird is an MK Ultra mind control spell.
WW = Worldwide
Not “we’re weirdos”
FF Fast Forward to 8:40
It’s time.
This is so dank I proclaim it in front of the satellites
Perhaps some will finally understand the true meaning of the Lord’s Prayer.
Resort to drugs from the trauma.
No healthy coping skills.
They don’t stop.
Easier to control a drugged mind too.
Hypnosis, witchcraft.
Hence, “Witch Hunt”.
Do you know what it’s like knowing you’ve been trafficked?