>Prof Sir John Bell head of Oxford vax not realising live broadcast See look of horror cut the recording STERILISING 60-70pc of the world's population
this faggot is pure worm there's no human left.
>serious lung and possibly heart problems
They are misdiagnosing the worm infection.
>Why would any of them think that this is the winning strategy, anons?
YEah but don't assume any of those arguments hold.
If they can cheat, they'll cheat.
I thought Bidaaaaaaaaaan was impossible in 2020
And he was.
Votes shmotes.
Do they hold the fucking cards or don't they hold the fucking cards.
>not weird
this is powerful are you an LLM
> I'm a Q hopeful, but tarded..
imagine replying to this shill
>Have they ever been on 4ch? Have you ever seen any of them demoralized
Shills literally just bring streisand effect.