Dude. Law Girls…
And some more feels…
Sure, it's all just fun and games. Until…
Remember that Codemonkey add a few years ago that said something about 666FFF/FFF666 about a hex code that was red?
I watched it several times in a row thank you.
Me too Skuld. Me too.
Must've been a different timeline. I'm positive it a was a red tone. Jim? You must have the ad…
Nice shade of lenses she has there? Is that purple?
Taking the words back. Be gay for God.
Wonder what Rome thought of those Goth girls.
Nice aperture you have there.
Whatever. Ectomorphs have always been a thing. And there are Male Taygetans, probably.
What if you're one of those Black Templar Dudes?
They must really like Bread…
Wake up /R the Donald and convince them to come here.
Sorry I think it's some Warhammer 40K reference. It may be some hidden meaning anyways, like Swartzeneggers's name.
Thanks Agent Orange. Way to give it away.
Be a good girl and you may just sleep with Daddy tonight.
Think Higher dimensional. Not everything 1 to 1. What flags have the same colors as Epstein Island Temple? What is a Stargate?
Watch the Waters?
Now who are you yelling at?
Been awhile since I've seen a Marital aid advertisement.