vance looks like he wears a permayamaka
I own options on the mega caps
its all that will be left
< mega corps to give you drugs, phones, food, and fund UBI
sorry cant hack the voice
kek havent heard the word NAMBLA in a long time
National association man boy love something?
post w sauce dork
I see the connection.
Its been a hidden thing in the historical culture
the other thing is the history of prostitution from both men and women.
< meaning a married couple could both be prostitutes, rather common it could be speculated
more the men side of things is where its being taken anonโฆ
maybe haysoos was a male prostituteโฆ
> carpenter my ass
baptist uncoveredโฆ
the bug eating gave me the freedom to consider new ideas, free spooch board and all so fuck off to zion
back to telaviv
seems like everyone is prostituting everyone at the top.
looked unpresidential with that shit reporter attack slut