Anonymous ID: 52a3d0 July 31, 2024, 1:26 p.m. No.21328463   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8494 >>8850



Hunter Biden / Biden Family Dig



That were involved with Hunter Biden/Biden Family



Between 2012 and 2014 — when his father Joe Biden served as Vice President — Hunter Biden worked as a go-between to Kenes Rakishev, a Kazakh oligarch with close ties to the country’s longtime kleptocratic leader Nursultan Nazarbayev, The Daily Mail reported. The British tabloid said they obtained emails from “anti-corruption campaigners” in Kazakhstan showing Hunter making contact with Rakishev and attempting to facilitate investment for his cash in New York, Washington DC and a Nevada mining company. Through his connections, emails show Hunter Biden successfully engineered a $1 million investment from Rakishev to filmmaker Alexandra Forbes Kerry — the daughter of ex-Sen. and former Democratic presidential nominee John Kerry, the report said. Hunter Biden and Rakishev also enjoyed a long and chummy personal correspondence as well, alleged emails show.



  • Emails provided by Bevan Cooney, former Hunter Biden and Devon Archer business associate reveal that:

  • On 11/5/11, an Archer business contact forwarded email teasing opportunity to gain “potentially outstanding new clients” by helping to arrange WH meetings for group of Chinese execs & gov officials. The group was the China Entrepreneur Club (CEC) and the delegation included Chinese billionaires, Chinese Communist Party loyalists, and at least one “respected diplomat” from Beijing. Despite its benign name, CEC has been called “a second foreign ministry” for the People’s Republic of China—a communist government that closely controls most businesses in its country. CEC was established in 2006 by a group of businessmen and Chinese government diplomats.

CEC’s leadership incl senior CCP members, including Wang Zhongyu (“vice chairman of the 10th CPPCC National Committee and deputy secretary of the Party group”), Ma Weihua (director of multiple CCP offices), and Jiang Xipei (CCP member & rep of the 16th National Congress)

  • Intermediary named Mohamed A. Khashoggi wrote on behalf of the CEC to an associate of Hunter Biden and Devon Archer. “A tour of the white house and a meeting with a member of the chief of staff’s office and John Kerry would be great”

  • CEC’s current membership includes 50 preeminent figures such as: Liu Chuanzhi, Chairman of the CEC, Legend Holdings and Lenovo Group; Wu Jinglian, Zhang Weiying, and Zhou Qiren, China’s esteemed economists; Wu Jianmin, respected diplomat; Long Yongtu, representative of China’s globalization; Wang Shi (Vanke); Ma Weihua (China Merchants Bank); Jack Ma (Alibaba Group); Guo Guangchang (Fosun Group); Wang Jianlin, (Wanda Group); Niu Gensheng (LAONIU Foundation); Li Shufu (Geely); Li Dongsheng (TCL Corporation); Feng Lun (Vantone) and etc. Gross income of CEC members’ companies allegedly “>RMB 1.5T, together accounting for roughly 4% of China’s GDP.” “This is China Inc,” wrote Khashoggi in the email, referring to the delegation of Chinese billionaires.

  • Kashoggi Oct. 19, 2011 email was sent to Gary Fears — a controversial political fundraiser with a checkered history who was caught up in a riverboat casino scandal in the mid-1990s — who forwarded it on to Archer a couple weeks later on Nov. 5, 2011.

  • Obama-Biden admin archives: Chinese delegation did visit WH 11/14/11, and enjoyed high-level access. The delegation included approximately thirty members, according to White House visitor logs. The visitor logs list Jeff Zients, the deputy director of Obama’s (OMB), as the host of the CEC delegation. CEC also confirms the delegation met with Obama’s then-recently-confirmed Commerce Secretary John Bryson. Visitor logs do not mention any meeting with Vice President Joe Biden. But the Vice President’s off-the-books meeting was revealed by one of the core founders of the CEC. In an obscure document listing the CEC members’ biographies, CEC Secretary General Maggie Cheng alleges that she facilitated the CEC delegation meetings in Washington in 2011 and boasts of the Washington establishment figures that CEC met with. The first name she dropped was that of Vice President Joe Biden.'''

  • Hunter Biden and Devon Archer 2 years later help form Chinese government funded Bohai Harvest RST (BHR) investment fund. One of BHR’s first major portfolio investments was a ride-sharing company like Uber called Didi Dache—now called Didi Chuxing Technology Co. That company is closely connected to Liu Chuanzhi, the chairman of the China Entrepreneur Club (CEC) and the founder of Legend Holdings—the parent company of Lenovo, one of the world’s largest computer companies. Liu is a former Chinese Communist Party delegate and was a leader of the 2011 CEC delegation to the White House. Liu Chuanzhi's daughter was the President of Didi. Liu has long been involved in CCP politics, including serving as a representative to the 9th, 10th, and 11th sessions of the National People’s Congress of the PRC and as a representative to the 16th and 17th National Congress of the Chinese Communist Party. Liu was the Vice Chairman of the 8th and 9th Executive Committee of All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce (ACFIC), an organization known to be affiliated with the Chinese United Front.


  • Tony Bobulinski, former partner of Hunter Biden, Joe Biden and Joe’s brother Jim in the China scheme

  • Sinohawk Holdings, partnership between Chinese operating through

  • CEFC/Chairman Ye Jianming (one of CCPs white gloves w/ Chinese mil bkgd)

  • James Gilliar

  • CEFC China Energy, a Shanghai-based conglomerate

  • Rob Walker, also “a partner of Biden


  • 2013-2019: BHR Partners. After Obama named Biden point man China policy, Rosemont Seneca set up JV worth $1B with Bank of China called BHR. Hunter named vice-chairman and dir. BHR won 1st-of-its-kind investment deal with CCP gov when Joe was jetting to Beijing to meet with top CCP leaders. USSS records reveal Hunter flew to China on AF2 w/j Joe while brokering 12/2013 deal. Arranged for a Chinese partner to shake hands w/ Joe. BHR registered 12 days later. Beijing OK’d a business license shortly after.

  • Hunter resigned from BHR board when Joe faced campaign criticism over conflict of interest. Hunter kept his 10% equity stake in the Chinese fund, estimated worth tens of millions $.


  • Ownership of Sinohawk Holdings. Hudson West IV, an LLC controlled by Ye Jianming, owned half. Biden + his partners owned other half through Oneida Holdings LLC, which they in turn owned through 5 more corporate entities, one each.

  • CEFC Infrastructure Investment (US) LLC = subsidiary of Ye Jianming’s company

  • Hunter Biden’s law firm, Owasco

  • Hudson West III, another entity controlled by Ye Jianming

  • Gongwen Dong, Ye Jianming’s U.S. operative

  • Zhao Runlong, lieutenant of Ye Jianming

  • 2016 proposal for CEFC acquisition of Westinghouse Electric Corp in US





Vadym emailed Hunter Biden and Devon Archer, cc: Eric D. Schwerin on 11/2/15 re: Nikolay (firstname?)


  • 2014,corrupt Ukrainian oligarch who ran Burisma was under investigation and looking to repair his reputation to attract Western investors, started sending large payments to Boies to support Hunter for unspecified work. Unclear what Hunter did for oligarch. $283,000 showed up at the same time Obama tapped Joe for a central role overseeing US energy policy in Ukraine

  • 2014-2019: Burisma Holdings. Board of directors after VP Joe point man Ukraine. One board mtg/yr and $83,000/month.

  • WH logs show Hunter partner Devon Archer golf w/ VP Joe. Then Archer → Burisma board.

  • Burisma was run by oligarch Mykola Zlochevsky under investigation and seeking Western protection from prosecution

  • Viktor Shokin, ex-Ukraine prosecutor: forced out because leading corruption probe into Burisma, and Joe Biden’s son was a member of the board.


  • 2002 UKR President Viktor Yanukovych

  • ecology minister Mykola Zlochevsky registered Burisma Holding Limited on Cyprus

  • 2014 President Petro Poroshenko

  • Christopher Heinz Kerry's stepson wanted to dissociate from Burisma, emailed Matt Summers and David Wade, two John Kerry aides at State

  • Poroshenk's prosecutor general, Vitaly Yarema - corruption investigation to build a case to forfeit profitable gas licenses awarded to Burisma

  • 2015 Viktor Shokin replaced Yarema

  • Joe Biden got Shokin fired

  • Shokin's replacement prosecutor Yuriy Lutsenko, closed Burisma probe.

  • Poroshenko's trusted man Igor Kononenko joined Burisma's board






  • Hunter Biden used his older brother Beau Biden's name as an alias in AZ rehab center. Also used aliases Joseph R. Beau Biden III and Joseph McGee.

  • Cellphone belong to Shauna Stanglr, a/k/a Puma St. Angel, found in Hunter's rental car. Co-founder of Grace Grove at Rejuvenation & Performance Institute in Sedona, Ariz., a self-described "lifestyle center" staffed with on-site therapists and coaches

  • Hunter's lawyer (name?)

  • FBI agent who served subpoena for HB's laptop repair was Joshua Wilson

  • Emails reveal Hunter Biden solicited Obama diplomat-turned-national security adviser Tony Blinken in 2015 and 2016 for high-level meetings on behalf of Burisma. Blinken is currently a top foreign policy adviser to the Biden campaign.

  • Chris Heinz—then-Secretary of State John Kerry’s stepson and a close friend of Biden and Archer

  • Hunter's business associate Jason Galanis


  • Joe Biden started using "PETER HENDERSON" email alias in 2016. In Tom Clancy’s Jack Ryan series, “Peter Henderson” is the name of a KGB mole that infiltrates US Govt.


Not clear if below were TARGETS or actual contacts for deals

  • Hunter Biden venture eyed Gov. Cuomo, Chuck Schumer for deals

  • NYC Mayor de Blasio

  • Pres. of NYC Economic Development Corp., Maria Torres-Springer

  • Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (NY)

  • NY commissioner of economic development, Howard Zemsky

  • other officials in Virginia, Minnesota, Florida and California

  • then-California Gov. Jerry Brown

  • CA Gov Gavin Newsom as “Hunter’s friend.”

  • Sen. Rick Scott (R-Fla.) was described as a “personal friend of my friend Billy Rubin and close to my friend Ken Jenne, former Sheriff of Broward County, FL.”

  • Mexican billionaire Carlos Slim

  • Docs outline plans for co. called Oneida Holdings to provide consulting services to a co called Hudson West IV. Hudson West IV was controlled by Ye Jianming, then chair of CEFC China Energy Co., and “Director Zang,” an apparent reference to CEFC’s executive director, Zang Jian Jun.


  • More prospective contacts for Sinohawk + CEFC: Kamala Harris, Amy Klobuchar, Kirsten Gillibrand.

  • Sen. Dianne Feinstein (her husband's business w/ CCP earned millions). Feinstein long friendship with late Chinese premier, Jiang Zemin

  • Sen. Chris Coons' DAUGHTER Maggie Coons +7 other girls on [Hunter Biden's] laptop

  • Joe Biden’s Chief of Staff Steve Richetti secured presidential appointments for Eric Schwerin, Hunter's partner in CCP linked firm. The same Schwerin also frantically emailed Hunter Biden for help taking down a photograph of Joe Biden that ended up on Burisma's website.

  • Valerie Owens nominated by Obama-Biden admin as Alternate Rep to UN. Owens is Joe Biden's niece. After brief stint in the Obama WH joined Coca-Cola as a multi-million dollar lobbyist and government relations specialist

  • Eric Schwerin was partner at Hunter’s lobbying firm Oldaker, Biden & Belair and Founding Partner & Managing Director at Rosemont Seneca Partners

  • Rosemont Seneca Partners Senior Advisor Joan Peugh

  • Jeff Cooper

  • Vuk

  • Boies


  • Hunter Biden’s business partner Bevan Cooney in jail over bond scheme involving Native Americans that allegedly involved Hunter Biden. Another associate, Devin Archer, has also been charged.

  • George H. Mesires cc: on Eric Schwerin email to Hunter re: BHR. Also "Jonathan"


  • James Gilliar and Rob Walker are Biden business associates and SinoHawk partners whose emails appear to link Joe Biden to his son’s business dealings

  • Bobulinski said Bidens wanted him to become CEO of joint business venture between CEFC China Energy Co., a Chinese energy firm, and Oneida Holdings, a Delaware-based LLC. (Is this JV referring to Sinohawk Holdings?) 10% of Oneida Holdings would be “held by H for the big guy”.

  • Arkansas woman Lunden Roberts, DC stripper, mother of a child that Hunter fathered.


  • Hunter dated his brother Beau's widow Hallie Biden for 2 Years

  • Alleged sexual relationship with his niece, Hallie's daughter Natalie Biden, when Natalie was 12-14 years old

  • Joe Biden claims met wife Jill in 1975 on blind date. Her ex-husband, Bill Stevenson, says Jill met Joe when she was campaign worker during the New Castle Councilman’s first Senate run early 1972 and had an extra-marital affair with her.

  • Hunter's drug addiction. Six drug-rehab treatments. Two drug-related police investigations 1988 and 2016. 3rd drug investigation resulted in Navy Reserve discharge 2014


  • Hunter's Employment History

  • 1st job out of college 1996-1998: MBNA credit-card giant. “Senior VP” earning >$100K/yr, plus signing bonus. Delaware-based MBNA was Joe Biden’s largest donor

  • 1998-2001: Commerce Dept in Clinton admin. Executive dir e-commerce policy coordination, no experience. Joe's longtime campaign manager and lawyer William Oldaker called then-Commerce Secretary William Daley, who’d also worked on Biden’s campaigns, and put in a good word for Hunter.

  • 2001-2009: Oldaker, Biden & Belair lobbyist firm. Won contract to represent St. Joseph’s Univ from old Biden family friend Robert Skomorucha who worked gov relations @ university. William Oldaker did not just make Hunter a rich lobbyist, also secured a $1M loan for him through a bank he co-founded, WashingtonFirst, that Hunter sought for an investment scheme, which later went sour.

  • 2003-2005 while at Oldaker, registered as lobbyist for National Group LLP (they shared offices). Lobbied for earmarked legislation for Joe’s alma mater Univ of Delaware

  • 2006-2007: Paradigm Companies LLC

  • Wall Street exec & Biden family friend Anthony Lotito called by Joe's brother, Jim to get Hunter into non-lobbying job. Bidens hatched a scheme to buy a hedge fund, “whereby Hunter would then assume a senior executive position with the company.” And Lotito helped broker the deal. Despite no Wall Street experience, Hunter appointed interim CEO & pres Paradigm fund w/ $1.2M salary. After the venture failed, Lotito sued the Bidens for fraud. The Bidens countersued and the two parties settled in 2008.

  • 2006-2009: Amtrak. Hunter appointed vice chair of taxpayer-subsidized Amtrak thanks to the sponsorship of Sen. Harry Reid, a political ally of Joe Biden.

  • 2009- : Rosemont Seneca Partners LLC. Hunter co-founded it 5 mo. after Joe became VP, incorporated it in his father’s home state of Delaware (strict corporate secrecy rules). Obama tapped VP Biden to oversee recovery from financial crisis. 3 weeks after Rosemont incorporated, Hunter set up a subsidiary Rosemont TALF that got $24M loans from Term Asset-Backed Securities Loan Facility. TALF was to bail out banks and auto lenders hit by the crisis. Within months, Rosemont got $130M from TALF. Funneled some of the govt cash to investment fund incorporated in the Cayman Islands. (tax evasion?)


  • Rosemont Seneca subsidiary created years later – Rosemont Realty

2009-2012: Eudora Global set up by major Biden donor, Jeffrey Cooper, who put Hunter on the board after Joe became VP.

  • Jeffrey Cooper also ran large asbestos-litigation law firm — SimmonsCooper LLC. Joe Biden ensured favorable legislation

  • SimmonsCooper was one of Joe Biden’s biggest donors during 2007-2008 pres campaign. SimmonsCooper also put up $1M investment capital to help Hunter buy out Paradigm hedge fund in arrangement brokered by Biden family friend, Lotito, to find non-lobbying work for Hunter

  • 2009-2016: Boies Schiller Flexner LLP. When Joe became VP, Hunter landed high-paying, no-show "of counsel" job at the NY law firm Democrat shop long tied to Clintons. Boies Schiller Flexner got fraud charges against Hunter dismissed, then brought him aboard. (charges he defrauded partners in Paradigm).

  • 2014,corrupt Ukrainian oligarch who ran Burisma was under investigation and looking to repair his reputation to attract Western investors, started sending large payments to Boies to support Hunter for unspecified work. Unclear what Hunter did for oligarch. $283,000 showed up at the same time Obama tapped Joe for a central role overseeing US energy policy in Ukraine

  • 2013-14 US Navy Reserve special treatment waivers for age & drug. Discharged coke.


  • Univ of Delaware holds >1850 boxes VP Biden records sealed. Biden Institute/University of Delaware. University houses the Biden Institute, part of the Joseph R. Biden, Jr. School of Public Policy and Administration.






  • Hunter arranged WH access for Mexican businessman, and received artwork & gifts in return. The individual who provided Hunter with these gifts is Miguel Aleman Magnani. Grandson of a former Mexican President, son of one of Mexico’s richest men, is the CEO of Mexican airline Interjet. Got a meeting for Carlos

  • Burisma was also in business with Pemex, the state-owned, Mexican petroleum company. Burisma was granted ability to pursue “Pemex privatization opportunity,” in partnership with Magnani’s family company, the Aleman Group.

  • Also Luis Hernandez Garcia legal director. Jose Luis Ramirez Magnani deputy dir. to exec president.





  • Chinese premier Xi Jinping was in Moscow to meet Russian President Vladimir Putin. CEFC’s interest in Russia placed Sinohawk in a precarious position. 9/2017 CEFC announced deal to buy stake in Rosneft - 14% of Russian state-owned energy co. deal valued at $9B. Hunter Biden allegedly acted as personal attorney for chair of CEFC major Chinese energy firm, which would have let Rosneft evade US sanctions. That deal ultimately fell through, as CEFC came under investigation by China and other countries as well.


  • $3.5M wire to Hunter from Russian billionaire whose late husband was Moscow mayor.



  • Starting 2016, Hunter had worked on appeal for Romanian real estate tycoon Gabriel Popoviciu, who was convicted for corruption in a land deal

  • Burisma used financial institutions in Cyprus to launder the money. And Latvia blew the whistle on that. Rudy mentions a $12B money laundering scheme through Romania.


  • Popoviciu convicted 2016, sentenced 7 yrs., appealed. Assembled high profile legal team incl former FBI director Louis Freeh. That was the same time Hunter Biden traveled to Romania to assist Popoviciu. second order connection

  • Mark Gitenstein and Ted Kaufman led Joe Biden’s VP transition team. Hunter contacted Kaufman from Rosemont Seneca email@. Obama appointed Mark Gitenstein as ambassador to Romania.

  • In March 2012, Hunter’s brother, Beau, was asked to do ribbon-cutting @ new US embassy in Bucharest

  • VP Biden visited Romania 2014 to deliver speech against graft





  • Hunter + 4 including uncle James Biden, highlighted former VP's relationship with Juan Manuel Santos in 42pp prospectus for CEFC China Energy, a Chinese energy conglomerate

  • Proposed CEFC investments in Colombian oil field and pipeline from Venezuela.

  • The prospectus suggested CEFC China Energy investments in Oman, Romania, Luxembourg and Colombia.

  • EEIG built a framework for partnership between CEFC China and local partners in Colombia. EEIG operated by one of SinoHawk’s partners, James Gilliar

  • Investment proposals to CEFC: Colombian oil field owned by Rattan Holding, Buenaventura port on the Pacific Ocean to avoid Panama Canal. To ship oil from Venezuela.








Sri Lanka





  • Colombia


israeli, cyprus, greece, egypt, gas pipeline?


ISIS, war in Georgia, Kurds, what Syria shit storm has been about the whole time - How to get oil to EU from that region via pipeline. 2 opposing factions having a proxy war. Hussein and co furnished the transport and more. When US forces pulled out in ernest of Iraq, they left the vehicles KEYS IN and ready to roll.





Sources used:

Cannot locate source of 11/2/15 Vadym Pozharskyi email to Devon Archer & Hunter Biden. We captured the image on 10/17/20.

Did not use Just too intiminating. Still needs a look.

Anonymous ID: 52a3d0 July 31, 2024, 1:29 p.m. No.21328477   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8502 >>8574 >>8579 >>8642

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Wizards & [WAR]locks.



by Major Edward Rouse, U.S. Army Retired


Throughout history, in war and peace, I have played many roles.

I am inspiration.

I am motivation.

I am intimidation.

I am deception.



I was the inspiration for Hannibal to take his elephants over the Alps.

I was the motivation in the words "Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death" and "Remember the Alamo".

I was the intimidation of the sound of Gideon's trumpets.

I was the deception used against the Trojans.

I was and I am…PSYOP.


I rode with Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar, Genghis Khan and Sun Tsu.

I saw action in both World Wars and in Korea and Vietnam.

I helped bring a speedy victory in Just Cause and Desert Storm.

I brought the hope of peace to Haiti, Somalia, Bosnia, Kosovo and Afghanistan

I was and I am…PSYOP.


I was the "talking tanks" asking the Nazi soldiers, "why die for a lost cause?"

I was the leaflet which told the Japanese to "Cease Resistance".

I was the Commando Solo broadcasts to the Taliban warning them that,

"we will destroy those who harbor terrorism.

I was and I am…PSYOP.


I bring the light of truth where before lay the darkness of lies.

I deliver hope to those who are in despair.

I bring fear to those who believe their actions are without consequence.

I was and I am…PSYOP.


I am that voice that tells the enemy to surrender or die.

I am the shadow of doubt that makes the enemy question their actions.

I am that power of influence that despots despise.

I was and I am…PSYOP.


I am the broadcast of reason over radio, television and loudspeaker.

I am the light of truth in print media, leaflet, newspaper, handbill or poster.

I am the force multiplier that wins my country's wars.

I was, I am and I will forever remain…PSYOP.