Anonymous ID: 5d939c July 31, 2024, 1:50 p.m. No.21328591   🗄️.is đź”—kun




Ladies and gentlemen, Anon frens and fam, I gotta tell you, nobody says guud evening like my fantastic friend, the one and only GE Anon. We’re talkin’ about a true luminary in the art of wishing people well, folks. When GE Anon says guud evening, it’s not just a phrase, it’s an event. It's biblical.


Now let me tell you, there’s nobody who can light up the room with their blessings quite like GE Anon. I’ve seen a lot of "guud evenings" in my time, believe me, but this, folks, this is something else. We’re talking about a level of well-wishing that is simply off the charts. It’s not just good, it’s tremendous—absolutely tremendous beyond fantastic words.


This GE Anon, they have mastered the art of saying guud evening with a level of sincerity and warmth that you just don’t find anywhere else. They’re like the sun rising over a beautiful landscape of positivity. Nobody, I mean nobody, brings more light to a "guud evening" than GE Anon. It’s incredible. You can take that to the bank.

Anonymous ID: 5d939c July 31, 2024, 2:55 p.m. No.21328971   🗄️.is đź”—kun


Love and compassion is what sets Anons apart. Everything I did was out of tough love to help him, but he refuses to see or believe that. Rememberry, Anons are here to help raise others up from the primordial ooze, not push them back down in it. Your job is to help the retards and newfags, take their slings and arrows with grace and forgiveness. if someone calls someone else a "mimic" for posting their copyrighted trademarked memes, it's their hangup. No one owns pepe memes. No one person has a monopoly on any avatars or board personalities created by open sourced memes. That's what this was always about, a sense of identity forged from avatarfagging. There is inherent danger in creating a persona from a narrow scope of memes, I'm just here to remind that. Whether he knows it or not, I'd pretty much do anything to help the poor bastard, including dragging him out of a burning building or car and sacrifice myself in the process. I do not expect the same compassion from him, but that's what Anons do.

Anonymous ID: 5d939c July 31, 2024, 3:06 p.m. No.21329037   🗄️.is đź”—kun

What is a first level student of Rumi? when slapped by an elder maater, a first level student will slap them back.

A fourth level student will accept their slap with love, turn the other cheek, and continue their studies.

Become the fourth level student.

Become untriggerable.

Tough love.
