I'm surprised he doesn't know who he is!
Is he?
He's not an America Black.
He's got an ancestor that OWNED SLAVES and the ancestor got rich when slavery was abolished.
so reparations?
they are not due to him.
her father is a marxist.
she was an anchor baby.
she went to highschool in Montreal.
She comes from a long line of opportunist carpet baggers.
Anons are NOT a group think group.
there is no consensus here.
Some people do oaths.
others were like 'ya, I don't need to do this'.
you don't speak for anon.
anon didn't always agree with Q.
Q told us stuff but as a 'leader' he kind of abandoned us.
Trump is much more a leader.
Q often said things ironically
Q often seemed to be different people.
Q would give information but wasn't looking for conformity.
Q spoke in riddles which were never sloved.
you don't speak for Q.
my guess is the 'mimic' and the one who complains about the mimic are the same person who ip hops and does a psycho play.
No, he's not.
sorry, anon, I followed Q since Dec 17 or 18 or 2017 and Trump is not Q.
Trump did not watch 'Thunderkats' as a boy.
anon don't brag about their accomplishments to a slander shill mm-ick
"The lady doth protest too much, methinks"
if you're a lady then you know the rules . . .
just kidding.
I posted that because I didn't say you were the one who does the banter about the mm-ick.
but you being so quick with that I thought 'maybe he is?'
there are Harris supporters here now. If you politely ask them to explain why we should vote for her they do not answer.
but they are very quick with support for her, terse and useless.
anon, sometimes it seems as though most of the people posting here got here last week!
there is an old joke about the birth place of Joesph Smith.
it's said that people in two bordering towns disagree about which town he was born in. The citizens of South Royalston will say 'he was born in Sharon while the citizens of Sharon will insist, "oh, no, he was born in South Royalston"
the joke could be applied to Harris
"There is some disagreement between Blacks and Indians as to the ethnicity of Harris.
Blacks will insist she's Indians and the Indians will insist she's Black"
well, it needs some work.
what about the Scots-Irish slave owner ancestor, anon. Will you blame anon if you don't know about that either?
He became rich when slavery was ended in Jamaica, having moved there as a Scot-Irish protetant to run plantations.
his name was . . . . oh it escapes me.
can you say 'free mason?'
a very odd (or do I mean wierd) thing about Harris's mother: supposedly she's Indian but she didn't have an arrainged marriage.
So how Indian was she, really?
and we can't get any information about her because Indians didn't have last names.
so how many generations in India did Kamala's mother's family live there?
that, to me, is an important question.
my experience is that paid shills usually can not be educated.
400 pound tranny sniff?
no she didn't.
you made the meme yourself and posted it and made up the story about your aunt.
lots of laughter is what I'm trying for.
why would you take that post seriously.
lighten up.
the 'my aunt sent me . . .' deal has been going on for a while
there is no proof that there is any aunt, that's my point.
In addition, you're 'all in caps' post doesn't make you seem authentic.
but if she's really your aunt you approach it like you never go that meme. you send here some benign message and ignore her baiting.
you don't even mention the meme.
Or you make some other comment like 'wow, do kamala's eyes really do that? Is this a real photograph' and make light of it.
PS: I still don't believe you have an aunt that sent you that.
you might tell her youve prayed a novena for her and you want to know if she's been feeling healthier. Or ask her what her plans are for labor day?