Anonymous ID: 5119ef July 31, 2024, 10:39 p.m. No.21331520   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1527 >>1535 >>1551

Turns out information is valuable.

Periodicity of Primes in base-12 greatly simplifies brute forcing.

“It turns out that all prime numbers except for 2 and 3 (as the factors of 12 itself) occur at just four positions of the base-12 cycle, positions 1, 5, 7, and 11. When graphed as a repeating cycle, those four positions combine into an elegant, infinity-shaped vibrational waveform that looks just like the double-helix spiral of DNA. And wherever this waveform intersects the horizontal number line is where the prime numbers can occur. Combining those two overlapping waves together in turn produces a single perfect cosine wave, which appears to represent the fundamental vibrational chord of the primes and the path along which each number's vibration achieves balance.”

Get cracking!