Anonymous ID: b35e2c Aug. 1, 2024, 3:43 a.m. No.21332266   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2295



The Jewish Cabal recruiting for such a time was at levels never seen before by the world. It just wasn't the Saudis and Jews on Wall st with a cut of the Pie to the mafia. The Italians were duped too whether they admit it or not. They were being led on for a pie in the future, as was most like the gay/woke crowd, the black population (here have a job and some titles), the Indians (here have some IT), the Cartels (here have some drugs and trafficking), the South American Communists (here have some gangs to attack America, you will have a future), The Communist Chinese (have some factories and tech and destroy America), The libtards (have some freedom and get out of jail free), and the list goes on and on. When in fact, it is a zero sum game all going to Amazon (go check it out even new egg is going down), so the Jersey shore and main st will fall anyways, and the rest of the world got duped into a toxic vaccine by the Jewish cabal media and pharma. They went for it. Most were looking for a piece of pie and being led on to the eventual slaughter. But we stopped all that and saved just about almost all of them. They should all be thankful to the US patriots, we are about to end this show.