Anonymous ID: e8f325 Aug. 1, 2024, 1:06 a.m. No.21331805   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1807 >>1808 >>1810

Did Jeffrey Epstein & William Barr Attend Interlochen in 1967?


Interlochen is a prestigious fine arts preparatory school in northern Michigan, and Jeffrey Epstein attended Interlochen “camp” in 1967 as a teenager. But the school disavows that two-time Attorney General William Barr also attended the camp in 1967, despite pictorial evidence that appears to tell a different story.


At the top of the page, the picture shows teenage Epstein standing in front of his respective lodge at Interlochen in 1967 and a boy who bears an uncanny resemblance to a miniature William Barr kneeling before his respective lodge. In fact, he could be a doppelganger for William Barr if he isn’t William Barr.

Anonymous ID: e8f325 Aug. 1, 2024, 1:15 a.m. No.21331839   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1841

National Gallery of Australia acquires painting by controversial artist Paul Gauguin for almost $10 million


Paul Gauguin was a violent paedophile.


The blue roof, or Farm at Le Pouldu, by Paul Gauguin has been purchased by the National Gallery of Australia for $9.8 million, becoming the first painting by the artist in an Australian public collection.

Gauguin is one of the world's most famous artists, but has a controversial legacy due to accusations of sexual predation of girls while in French Polynesia.

Anonymous ID: e8f325 Aug. 1, 2024, 1:21 a.m. No.21331865   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1867

Thailand's controversial $21 billion digital cash handout scheme finally gets moving


Thailand has begun rolling out a controversial $21 billion digital cash handout scheme that has been criticised as costly, unsustainable, and detrimental to the country's already struggling economy.


Under the plan, 50 million eligible Thai citizens will each receive a 10,000 baht ($420) digital payment to spend on local businesses.


The government has marketed the scheme as an "economic tornado" that will stimulate the economy, reduce the cost of living, and lay the foundations for a digital economy.


The "digital wallet" program was originally promised in the May 2023 election and has already faced delays as the government sought ways to finance it.


While registration for the scheme opens on Thursday, the subsidy is expected to be rolled out later this year.


"The government came in to fix the problem of low income," Thailand's Finance Minister Pichai Chunhavajira said, as reported by Nikkei Asia.


"Every government must create debt.


"Adding money to the economy is necessary to solve the crisis."


People can pay with the digital currency in stores registered with the government and in their voting districts, excluding major retail and wholesale outlets and department stores, according to local media reports.


There are also restrictions on what they can spend the money on.


About 18 items including alcohol, tobacco, gold, fuel oil and electrical appliances can't be bought with the digital currency.

Anonymous ID: e8f325 Aug. 1, 2024, 1:24 a.m. No.21331874   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1876

Musk accepts Venezuelan president’s offer to fight


Nicolas Maduro has accused SpaceX and Tesla CEO of trying to disrupt peace and stability in the South American country


SpaceX and Tesla CEO Elon Musk has responded to Venezuela’s President Nicolas Maduro’s challenge to a fight over fraud accusations from Musk, saying he was ready to accept it.


The South American nation’s leader, who just won his third term in presidential elections, accused Musk on Monday of trying to disrupt peace and stability in the country, calling the businessman his “new archenemy.”


Maduro was responding to Musk’s claims of “major election fraud” by challenging the billionaire to a fight, during an address he made on national television.


On Wednesday, when entrepreneur Mario Nawfal asked in a post on X (formerly Twitter): “Who had a Maduro vs Elon Fight on their 2024 Bingo Card?” Musk replied simply writing “I accept.”


In a second reply, the X owner claimed that Maduro “will chicken out.”


Nawfal further released a new post, stating that “Elon’s accepted Maduro’s challenge to fight… WHO WOULD WIN?”


Musk responded once again, writing: “If I win, he resigns as dictator of Venezuela. If he wins, I give him a free ride to Mars.”

Anonymous ID: e8f325 Aug. 1, 2024, 1:36 a.m. No.21331912   🗄️.is 🔗kun

05 Mar 2018


Facebook shocks users after it asks if pedophiles should be able to ask children for 'sexual pictures'

Anonymous ID: e8f325 Aug. 1, 2024, 1:38 a.m. No.21331915   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Explosive documentary exposes 'Pedophiles in Parliament' and the British Royal Family

Anonymous ID: e8f325 Aug. 1, 2024, 1:40 a.m. No.21331923   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1927

How Jewish-American pedophiles hide from justice in Israel

Anonymous ID: e8f325 Aug. 1, 2024, 1:44 a.m. No.21331937   🗄️.is 🔗kun

12 Nov 2017


The Vatican has spent nearly 4 billion to keep pedophilia lawsuits quiet since 1950


Pedophilia has become a huge topic of discussion over recent weeks as not only have sexual abuse outings been taking place in Hollywood, but the exposure of pedophilia in Hollywood and amongst the elite is becoming more common.


The reality of child molestation by the Roman Catholic Church has surfaced time and time again, and yet, somehow, it continues to happen. If you watched the movie Spotlight, perhaps you have an idea of just how things are going down. But let's break it down to date.


While you can't put a price on the innocence of a child, you can put a price on just how much the Roman Catholic Church has paid out in lawsuits over the never-ending epidemic of child molestation wreaking havoc in its ranks.


We hope the facts below help us to realize that in some ways our financial support of the catholic church is helping to cover up and defend pedophilia and child sexual abuse. Not to mention the government is providing tax breaks to what may be the biggest pedophile ring on the planet.


Also consider that the church has known about this for years and has done little to nothing to deal with it, instead they cover it up.


According to Jack and Diane Ruhl of the National Catholic Reporter, who decided to research this particular topic, since 1950, the Vatican has spent $3,994,797,060.10. That's nearly $4 billion to keep the issue hush hush. That number may even be a bit conservative considering the amount of "under the table" dealings have taken place which were uncovered in Spotlight investigations. Most cases were never reported nor were they taken to court, leaving their reality in the dark.


The figure is based on a three-month investigation of data, which includes a review of over 7,800 articles from LexisNexis Academic and NCR databases and information from Reports from the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops were also used.


If the amount of money dished out was divided evenly amongst the U.S.'s 197 dioceses, each one would get almost $20 million. An incredible amount of cash from hard working people who chose to support the good faith and intentions of the Church - people who are parents to little boys being sexually abused - is being used to cover up unfathomable crimes executed by priests.


In the early nineties, a monk who worked at the Vatican opened up to The New Yorker, admitting: "You wouldn't believe the amounts of money the church is spending to settle these priestly sexual-abuse cases." By 1992, U.S. Catholic dioceses had given 400 million dollars to settle hundreds of molestation cases. That was a shocking chunk of change then, and that figure has only risen exponentially since. The men running the Vatican are well aware of the problem, and yet they refuse to provide justice.


When Pope Francis addressed hundreds of bishops on the issue, he said:

I realize how much the pain of recent years has weighed upon you, and I have supported your generous commitment to bring healing to victims - in the knowledge that in healing we too are healed - and to work to ensure that such crimes will never be repeated.

His words of "generous commitment" only further show just how tightly knit the Church truly is - worried more about reputation than morality.


"The people he was talking to are the people who moved the pedophiles around to prey on kids," said John Salveson, a 59-year-old Philadelphia businessman who was abused as a child by a priest. "If you gave me 100 years to pick a word to describe the U.S. bishops' reaction to this crisis, 'generous' would never make the list."


Terry McKiernan, who runs, noted that Francis overlooked the fact that many dioceses around the country haven't disclosed the names of abusers, and furthermore, continue to lobby against reforming statute of limitations laws that shield priests from prosecution for crimes from the past.

Anonymous ID: e8f325 Aug. 1, 2024, 1:49 a.m. No.21331958   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1962

The German experiment that placed foster children with pedophiles


With the approval of the government, a renowned sexologist ran a dangerous program. How could this happen?


Beginning in the late sixties, Kentler had placed neglected children in foster homes run by pedophiles. The experiment was authorized and financially supported by the Berlin Senate. In a report submitted to the Senate, in 1988, Kentler had described it as a "complete success."


The article described a new research report that had investigated what was called the "Kentler experiment."

Anonymous ID: e8f325 Aug. 1, 2024, 2:22 a.m. No.21332062   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Israeli forces arrest 35 in latest West Bank raids: Prisoners’ group


Most of the arrests on the last day took place in the governorates of Hebron, Nablus and Ramallah, while others were in Jenin, Tubas, Jericho and Jerusalem, according to the Palestinian Prisoner’s Society.


Among those detained were children, including a girl, said the group.


With these latest raids, Israel has made a total of 9,890 arrests in the occupied West Bank since October 7, it added.