Anonymous ID: 8a6601 July 31, 2024, 11:05 p.m. No.21331582   🗄️.is 🔗kun


weird game theories being played out

how far back planned?

do changes affect what was planned?

how does it appear when plans laid are changed by cards played resulting in deep losses and eventual re-buys costing tax payers large portions of their income?

if Normies understand they will hate swamp for spending their money on other countries while illegal aliens flood America

how many terrorist so far?

what are the odds of a terrorist event in the Future after letting so many illegal aliens into America; only swamp would allow such a plan?

if Normies know vs when Normies don't know

what is the Counter?

Know Truth, no violence

'Truth sets Free'

thank you Anons

Anonymous ID: 8a6601 July 31, 2024, 11:11 p.m. No.21331593   🗄️.is 🔗kun


the unknown becoming clear reveals the required counter

if gavin was selected by dem leaders to be next president what would be the counter?

if _ was selected by dem leaders to be next president what would be the counter?

sometimes patiently listening gives away their play

sometimes they talk so much they reveal themselves

i continue to believe that ignorant Normies will bring another harsh 4 years

however, informed Normies will help us tell others to tell others so WE can ALL remove swamp together

swamp will try many tactics to upset our efforts, staying focus is key

focus will bring momentum and soon camela's polls will be worse than biden's

swamp will prolly try to replace her like biden but by then it will be too late

Know Truth, no violence; work together

thank you Anons

Anonymous ID: 8a6601 July 31, 2024, 11:34 p.m. No.21331641   🗄️.is 🔗kun



if you like time travel headaches check out the verbiage in loki season 1 and 2 kek

>if you like time travel headaches

strange script writers these days

Night Court ep1 and 2 had me cracking up reminding when Night Shift memes were new Night Court appeared a few times

suddenly a new season of Night Court, ep2 called Nighthawks

strange funny script writers these days, i think Anons would enjoy esp if they member old episodes

results of strange scripts creating their own real timelines mixing into what would have been

change butterfly wings brings simply and also difficultly, PAINfully sometimes

glad i got this weird thing called Faith or idk how i could have found such twists in Life

scary dangerous dark paths sometimes but Faith onwards making it this far doing opposites of what i planned young (not that i really ever planned but nothing like this)

i was reminded of a story where a lady reached out for Jesus clothes and was healed by her Faith to reach

what it means for (You) us me idk; in the Future i will suddenly know; usually happens so

inspiring each other away from the abyss as the ignorant watch and learn

realizing curing the ignorant makes us stronger safer calmer wiser..

ALL benefit from Anons' relentless diggs, i know i have

thank you Anons


12/2019 re Nighthawks pic

Anonymous ID: 8a6601 July 31, 2024, 11:36 p.m. No.21331644   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1684

Liberals Label Republicans as 'Just Weird' & CNN Panel Gets Destroyed Because of It!


1.08M subscribers

5 hours ago

Anonymous ID: 8a6601 July 31, 2024, 11:38 p.m. No.21331647   🗄️.is 🔗kun



hmm, no updates?

is it Time to move to Truth?


'so you are moving, jus like that'

'my Faith is my fate i suppose'

'its too difficult to live by that black book'

'they come in dif colors'

'you know what i mean, smartass'

'i always say: better to be a smartass than a dumbass'

'very funny, seriously you are leaving?'

'idk yet, i was jus speaking about the idea; depends on the signs, 4example: if it looks like snow should WE head toward mountains?'

'obviously not'

'thas what the signs are like but dif'

'you are a weirdo and its going to be sad when you are gone'

'(You) are going to be sad when i'm gone? wow WE came a long way together'

'do you think WE will WIN?'

'oh yeah, easily but only if WE keep going and gather moar'

'hmm mayb you are right'


Anonymous ID: 8a6601 July 31, 2024, 11:44 p.m. No.21331654   🗄️.is 🔗kun



idk how drag and Church go together

now i can imagine a Drag Person shows up humbly and enjoys the sermon

but its hard to respect a bunch of drag showing and putting on a show in front of Fams and Children at church

i would leave and never go back to that church personally; i would PRAY for the Children of the people who stayed

i've heard of Amish shunning a long time ago and i know nothing about it now and shunning was weird to me back then but now when target is tucking and fox removes Tucker and WE have a racist old af president and 10,000 cross the border a night and WE owe 30,000,000,000,000+ in debt and.. i can see the wisdom of the Amish (also re how they didn't shut down and didn't take mRNA fauci pfizer shot)

so now when people skip target thas like Amish shunning aka 'cancel culture' (kek) but how else is target going to listen?

how else is bud light going to listen?

a peaceful way to make companies hear the People = shunning, cancel culture, etc

and anyone whining and complaining about target/bud light/chickfilet stupid moves, think about when the peace is over; then you got something to cry about

when this game (that is not a game) gets you down, be thankful for the peace still in America despite these tyrants scheming w their shills

i use to enjoy sharpening my knives lost in GOOD memories; now i can't speak my sharp thoughts or i will be censored or worse, ask QAnon Shaman, ask nancy j6 wrap smear acosta, ask abc, ask Trump, ask Kash, review schitf..

work together, secure elections, learn impeach recall expel


Anonymous ID: 8a6601 July 31, 2024, 11:51 p.m. No.21331666   🗄️.is 🔗kun


It turns out Anons can work anywhere and everywhere.

What is the only rule?

Even that will seem silly when we meet in the future.

Thousands and moar on the way.

Frens forever prolly.

Children talking about the Anons to their Children.

How weird we are.

How we help to save man and woman kind, for the Children.

Protect the Elders.

Anons def have moar than they know.

Moar resources, moar brains, moar heart, less greed, moar research.

Beware the shill always lurking for a way in.

Beware the Anons working together.

Mislead them, they will find out.

And ask their POTUS 'no deals'.

shills can change now, like dems can change now, like fake news can change now.

Now would seem like a GOOD time.

Research to know, but don't think the future will be like the past.

With so many knowing, it can't be the same.

The news now, Truth to the People.

Protect the President, make Q proud.

#BeBest for FLOTUS.

o7 Nunes and OUR Frens.

An awakening soon.