Anonymous ID: 8ed972 Aug. 1, 2024, 8:55 a.m. No.21333477   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3547 >>3684 >>3995 >>4177 >>4234

NEW 7/31/24: This Is Serious 🚨 Shelley Moore Capito Has UncoveredBiden Admin Secretly Funding 'Anti-American' Groups Through The Inflation Reduction Act


“NDN Collective: Call for the defunding of the Police and our United States Military”


“We have two New York and New Jersey coalitions that are getting $50 million. — Their quotes are, ‘The border and concept of citizenship is racist’ and wants no collaboration with federal immigration officials and the ICE agenda is racist as well”


“Then we have the social and environmental entrepreneurs 50 million dollars again abolish police abolish prisons.”


“The Ella Baker Center for Human Rights, the most recent funding as announced last week is getting between one and three million dollars and they are actively advocating to defund police, decriminalize shoplifting and abolish our prisons.”


“Climate Justice: $100 million dollars” glorifying terrorist groups”


And more this is CRAZY, we are funding our own demise thanks to the Biden Administration

Anonymous ID: 8ed972 Aug. 1, 2024, 10:31 a.m. No.21333841   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3865 >>3880 >>3882 >>3978 >>3995 >>4177 >>4234

U.S. Right to Know is litigating against the University of North Carolina for about 50,000 pages of documents, mostly related to Ralph Baric, possibly related to the origin of Covid-19.


Last December, Judge Alyson Adams Grine appointed a referee to "review the records and determine whether each record is exempt from disclosure under the [North Carolina] Public Records Act."


Today, the referee released his report.


The referee writes, “In determining whether each document at issue falls within the research exemption found in N.C. Gen. Stat. § 116-43.17, I have compiled two lists, one applying USRTK’s definition of “proprietary,” and the other applying UNC’s definition. Each list notes which documents are protected or required to be disclosed under the applicable definition. The application of two separate definitions is based on the understanding that it is the judge, not the referee, who shall ultimately determine what definition of “proprietary” applies in this case. “


It will be up to Judge Grine to decide whether to adopt our definition or UNC’s definition of “proprietary”, which will in turn determine how many of these documents are released to the public.


We continue on in our efforts to compel the public release of documents related to Covid origins, and to report on them, hoping that this may help to prevent the next pandemic.


Given the millions of people dead from Covid-19, I would say even proprietary documents in the US relating to the Wuhan Institute of Virology that could shed light on #OriginOfCovid should be handed over for investigation and ideally for the public to scrutinize.


Because said document would shed light on UNC's possible culpability for, and probable complicity in covering up, a pandemic that killed 20 million and cost $25 trillion.


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