Anonymous ID: b01a71 Aug. 1, 2024, 11:50 a.m. No.21334257   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4280 >>4309 >>4506 >>4877 >>4915 >>5093

Israeli Lawmaker Says Raping Palestinian Prisoners Is ‘Legitimate’


Hanoch Milwidsky, a member of the Likud party, made the comments in a debate about the arrest of Israeli soldiers at the Sde Teiman prison


A member of the Israeli Knesset has defended the idea of raping Palestinian prisoners after Israeli soldiers suspected of sexually torturing a detainee at the Sde Teiman detention facility were arrested.


The arrest took place on Monday, sparking protests from far-right activists, including several members of the Knesset and at least one minister in Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s governing coalition.


In a meeting of lawmakers on the day of the arrest, Hanoch Milwidsky, a member of Netanyahu’s Likud party, was asked if it was legitimate “to insert a stick into a person’s rectum?”


Milwidsky replied, “Yes! If he is a Nukhba [Hamas militant], everything is legitimate to do! Everything!”


According to Haaretz, the Palestinian prisoner who was raped suffered from a ruptured bowel, a severe injury to his anus, lung damage, and broken ribs and was taken to the hospital for an operation.


The Times of Israel reported that two out of the ten soldiers arrested for the rape were released on Wednesday and that they were not the main suspects. The report also said that Honenu, a legal aid organization representing four of the soldiers, claimed the soldiers were acting in self-defense when they forcibly sodomized the Palestinian prisoner.


The condition of the prisoner confirms some of the worst allegations made by Palestinians who were previously held in Sde Teiman. Younis al-Hamlawi, a senior nurse who was detained by Israeli forces in Gaza after he left Al-Shifa Hospital over allegations that he was tied to Hamas, told The New York Times that Israeli soldiers penetrated his rectum with a metal stick, causing him to bleed and leaving him in “unbearable pain.”


The Times report said a leaked report from the UN “cited a 41-year-old detainee who said that interrogators ‘made me sit on something like a hot metal stick and it felt like fire,’ and also said that another detainee ‘died after they put the electric stick up’ his anus.”

Anonymous ID: b01a71 Aug. 1, 2024, 11:52 a.m. No.21334280   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4364 >>4506 >>4915 >>5093



UN probe finds Palestinians subjected to beatings, electric shocks and sexual violence in Israeli detention


Report reveals dozens have died in custody, with thousands subject to ‘cruel, inhumane and degrading’ treatment


Thousands of Palestinian administrative detainees – those being held without charge or trial – are subject to ill-treatment including dire physical conditions, torture and sexual violence, according to a report released on Wednesday by the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR).


The report detailing the “prolonged secret and incommunicado detention” of Palestinians by Israeli authorities states that dozens have also died in Israeli custody.


The report also notes detentions carried out by armed groups and the Palestinian Authority.


Since Israel’s war on Gaza began on 7 October, the Israeli parliament has increased the period allowed for administrative detention under the Incarceration of Unlawful Combatants Law.


The Israeli military has taken into custody thousands of Palestinians in Gaza and over 10,000 Palestinians who were legally present in Israel, the report says.


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Thousands of Palestinian administrative detainees – those being held without charge or trial – are subject to ill-treatment including dire physical conditions, torture and sexual violence, according to a report released on Wednesday by the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR).


The report detailing the “prolonged secret and incommunicado detention” of Palestinians by Israeli authorities states that dozens have also died in Israeli custody.


The report also notes detentions carried out by armed groups and the Palestinian Authority.


Since Israel’s war on Gaza began on 7 October, the Israeli parliament has increased the period allowed for administrative detention under the Incarceration of Unlawful Combatants Law.


The Israeli military has taken into custody thousands of Palestinians in Gaza and over 10,000 Palestinians who were legally present in Israel, the report says.


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Israel has also carried out “daily mass, apparently arbitrary, arrests” of Palestinians.


Due to Israel’s refusal to report, the exact number of detentions is not clear, but OHCHR has found that at least 53 detainees from Gaza and the West Bank have died in Israeli custody.


Many Israeli arrests are “apparent restrictions on Palestinians’ freedom of expression, opinion, association and assembly”, the report says. Activists, human rights defenders and journalists have been arrested for social media posts or while working.


The same day of the report’s release, two Al Jazeera journalists were killed in Gaza, adding to the death toll of at least 165 media workers.


Demonstrations and protests have also been “effectively banned” in Israel, with Israeli activists and protesters being arrested and held in prolonged detention. Earlier this month, ultra-Orthodox Jews clashed with police in Jerusalem over a new bill overturning their exemption from conscription.

Anonymous ID: b01a71 Aug. 1, 2024, 11:55 a.m. No.21334291   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4506 >>4915 >>5093

Iraq Condemns US Airstrike as ‘Heinous Crime and Blatant Aggression’


The US bombing killed four members of the PMF, which is part of Iraq's security forces


Iraq has strongly condemned a US airstrike that targeted the country on Tuesday and killed several members of the Popular Mobilization Forces (PMF), a coalition of mostly Shia militias that was formed in 2014 to fight ISIS and are part of Iraq’s security forces.


The US attack came as Washington and Baghdad have been discussing the future of the US military presence in Iraq. US strikes against the PMF in 2023 and at the beginning of this year prompted Prime Minister Mohammed Shia al-Sudani to call for an end to the US-led anti-ISIS coalition in Iraq.

Anonymous ID: b01a71 Aug. 1, 2024, 11:56 a.m. No.21334306   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4506 >>4915 >>5093

Chuck Schumer Introduces Bill To Roll Back Supreme Court’s Presidential Immunity Ruling


Democratic Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer will introduce a bill on Thursday to effectively reverse the Supreme Court’s decision on presidential immunity, according to ABC News.


Schumer’s “No Kings Act” bill has over two dozen Democratic co-sponsors and comes as a direct response to the Supreme Court’s Trump v. United States ruling, which found that presidents have immunity from prosecution for official acts taken in office, according to ABC News. The bill would clarify that it is Congress’ responsibility to determine who federal criminal law applies to, not the Supreme Court, according NBC News.


President Joe Biden revealed multiple proposals on Monday to reshape the Supreme Court, including a constitutional amendment to make it clear “no President is above the law or immune from prosecution for crimes committed while in office.” He also proposed placing term limits on Supreme Court justices and called on Congress to pass a code of conduct for the justices.


Schumer said in a statement to NBC News that the Supreme Court’s ruling “threw out centuries of precedent and anointed Trump and subsequent presidents as kings above the law.”


“Given the dangerous and consequential implications of the Court’s ruling, legislation would be the fastest and most efficient method to correcting the grave precedent the Trump ruling presented,” Schumer said, according to NBC News. “With this glaring and partisan overreach, Congress has an obligation — and a constitutional authority — to act as a check and balance to the judicial branch.”


“We conclude that under our constitutional structure of separated powers, the nature of Presidential power requires that a former President have some immunity from criminal prosecution for official acts during his tenure in office,” Chief Justice John Roberts wrote in the July 1 decision.

Anonymous ID: b01a71 Aug. 1, 2024, 12:03 p.m. No.21334375   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4506 >>4915 >>5093

US Research Stations in Peru and Elsewhere Prepare for Biowarfare


The U.S. government began preparing for biological warfare during World War II. Biological weapons were employed during the Korean War against North Korea and China. President Nixon in 1969 ended the U.S. use of biological weapons for offensive purposes. The United States joined other nations in approving the Biological Weapons Convention (BWC), which took effect in 1975.


Even so, U.S. agents introduced microorganisms that devastated Cuba’s agriculture intermittently from the 1970s into the1980s. They introduced dengue virus in 1981, thereby provoking an epidemic that killed 169 Cubans. In 2001 the George W. Bush administration disavowed the Protocol that was essential for strengthening the BWC.


A 2017 report from the Latin American think-tank CEPRID tells of suspicious U.S. virologic research centers in Ecuador, of Brazilian soldiers dying of an unknown infectious disease, and “research centers located in countries like Brazil, Guatemala, Panama. Honduras, Costa Rica, República Dominicana, Haiti, [and] Guyana.” The report notes the existence in Peru of U.S. biological research laboratories operating under the façade of sponsorship by local universities.


“What’s certain,” the report says, “is that research is continuing and new viruses are being created or they are muting to become resistant to all the vaccines that are known.”


Mention appeared in 2015 of a “laboratory [in Peru] for the development of bacteriologic war.” The reference was to one operated by a “Naval Medical Research Unit,” by NAMRU-6. Beginning with WWII or shortly thereafter, the U.S. has operated NAMRUs, numbers one through six, within the United States and in Ethiopia, Italy, Southeast Asia, and Peru. Their purposes varied according to location. Three of them have been discontinued.


Officially, NAMRU-6, also known as NAMRU South, “researches and monitors various infectious diseases with military and public health implications in Central and South America.” With a presence in Peru since 1983, NAMRU-6 occupies a large office building and laboratory in Lima and a smaller laboratory in Iquitos, on the Amazon River.


NAMRU-6 is in the news. In an article appearing on June 13, Brazilian journalist Tereza Cruvinel notes a big increase in dengue cases in Peru, Paraguay, Bolivia, Brazil, and Argentina. She cites “an entomologist in a neighboring country” who describes unexpected resistance of the Aedes Aegypti mosquito, vector of the dengue virus, to usually effective insecticides. She points to the entomologist’s reference to “a fellow researcher” who abandoned the U.S. NAMRU-South laboratory in Peru, because of “experiments there with the participation of the Pentagon and the Peruvian military.”

Anonymous ID: b01a71 Aug. 1, 2024, 12:08 p.m. No.21334413   🗄️.is 🔗kun

SA Rabbi pushes war with Iran


S. Africa Chief Rabbi to Netanyahu: Don’t rely on the US to save Israel from Iran


After Prime Minister Netanyahu's address to the US Congress and Hezbollah's attack on Israel, Rabbi Warren Goldstein said Israel “must act now and act alone” to destroy Iran’s nuclear capabilities.


If Israel does not destroy Iran’s production of nuclear weapons - no one else will, South Africa Chief Rabbi Dr Warren Goldstein warned in the wake of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's address to US Congress, and following the recent horrific missile attack by Hezbollah that killed 12 children playing soccer.


“Iran is the malign force behind this, the October 7 attacks and the multi-front proxy armies that have assailed Israel in recent times,” Goldstein said in the latest YouTube address. “This latest attack is a stark reminder that a nuclear Iran – with its violent Jihadi worldview – poses an existential threat to Israel.”


Noting recent reports that Iran is just weeks away from nuclear capability, the chief rabbi said “the time for talk is over”, and amidst the political instability and deep polarization in America, urged Israel to “act now” to defuse the threat.

Anonymous ID: b01a71 Aug. 1, 2024, 12:10 p.m. No.21334430   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4506 >>4915 >>5093

Disney Hit with More Layoffs: ABC News, Good Morning America, and Fauci Doc Producer NatGeo


The bloodshed at the Walt Disney Company isn’t over yet, with CEO Bob Iger wielding the ax across multiple TV properties.


Disney is slashing 140 jobs across its entertainment TV division, with National Geographic and Freeform among those confirmed as reducing headcount, according to multiple reports. NatGeo, which produced the Fauci documentary, is expected to be hardest hit, with the network losing 60 individuals, or about 13 percent of its staff, according to a Deadline report.

Anonymous ID: b01a71 Aug. 1, 2024, 12:16 p.m. No.21334469   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4506 >>4915 >>5093

South Korean study: mRNA injections increase risk of myocarditis by 620% and Guillain-Barré by 62%


A recent large-scale, peer-reviewed study from South Korea found a significant increase in the risk of serious cardiac and neurological conditions following mRNA covid vaccination.


The study found that a 620% higher risk of myocarditis and a 175% higher risk of pericarditis were observed in people who received the mRNA vaccine compared to historical controls. It also revealed a 62% increased risk for Guillain-Barré syndrome (“GBS”), a rare neurological disorder.


The South Korean nationwide population-based cohort study, one of the largest of its kind, was published in Nature Communications and followed nearly 4.5 million people for an average of 15 months after vaccination.


The researchers set out to determine whether there was a long-term risk of autoimmune connective tissue diseases (“AI-CTDs”) after mRNA-based injections. As it wasn’t the focus of their study, their paper didn’t highlight the cardiac and GBS risks. However, data for these conditions were included as control outcomes to validate their findings:


To validate these findings, we evaluated the risks of positive and negative control outcomes associated with mRNA vaccination. For the positive control outcomes, the risk of myocarditis … pericarditis … and Guillain- Barré syndrome … were considerably higher in the vaccination cohort than in the historical control.


Jung, SW., Jeon, J.J., Kim, Y.H. et al. Long-term risk of autoimmune diseases after mRNA-based SARS-CoV2 vaccination in a Korean, nationwide, population-based cohort study. Nat Commun 15, 6181 (2024).

Fig. 3 of the paper (see below) shows the incident rates of autoimmune diseases compared to “control outcomes.” We have outlined the incident rates of cardiac and GBS incident rates in red. The right-hand column is labelled “aHR” which is an abbreviation for “adjusted hazard ratios.” Under this column, to determine the percentage increase in risk of developing these conditions, we subtract 1 from the number shown and then multiply the result by 100. For example, myocarditis is shown as having a 7.20 aHR. This equates to 620% ((7.20 – 1) = 6.20. Then, 6.20 x 100 = 620%).

Anonymous ID: b01a71 Aug. 1, 2024, 12:18 p.m. No.21334488   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Russian Strikes Hit ISIS Hideouts, Supply Lines In Central Syria (Videos)


Warplanes from the Russian Aerospace Forces carried out on July 30 a series of airstrikes against ISIS cells in Syria’s central region, according to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.


The London-based monitoring group said that the airstrikes targeted hideouts and supply lines used by the terrorists close to the towns of al-Sukhnah and Palmyra in the eastern countryside of Homs. It was the second wave of airstrikes to hit the region since July 27.


Syrian media shared videos of airstrikes on July 30 and 31 and revealed that warplanes from the Syrian Arab Air Force took part in the attack.


Intensive Russian and Syrian airstrikes targeted ISIS cells and even United States proxies in the central region the past months. Still, attacks on government forces and civilians in the region saw an uptake.


ISIS cells have been waging an insurgency in central Syria for most of the past decade. The terrorists receive support from their comrades in the northeastern region which is held by the U.S. and its proxy, the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces.


In addition, Syrian and Russian officials have repeatedly accused U.S. forces in the southeastern area of al-Tanf of training and even arming militants, including members of ISIS.

Anonymous ID: b01a71 Aug. 1, 2024, 12:21 p.m. No.21334512   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4544 >>4567

Oil Prices Soar After Israel Kills Hamas Leader and Hezbollah Senior Commander


Oil prices were soaring early on Wednesday morning, with Brent breaking back above $80 and WTI nearing $77.

Israel carried out two strikes on Tuesday, the first killing Hezbollah senior commander Fuad Shukr and the second killing Hamas’ political leader Ismail Haniyeh.

The two strikes, carried out in Beirut and Tehran respectively, marked a significant escalation in the regional conflict.


Geopolitical risk has well and truly returned to oil markets after Israeli strikes killed Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh and senior Hezbollah military commander Fuad Shukr.


Oil prices spiked immediately on the news and have continued to climb, with WTI rising past $77 and Brent nearing $81.


The first of Israel’s two strikes on Tuesday was an airstrike on Beirut targeting Fuad Shukr who Israel claimed was responsible for Saturday’s rocket attack on the Golan Heights which killed 12 civilians, most under the age of 16.


Israel’s defense minister, Yoav Gallant, said Hizbollah had “crossed the red line” with the attack, and days later launched three rockets into the Haret Hreik neighborhood in Beirut. Lebanon’s Prime Minister Najib Mikati condemned “blatant Israeli aggression” and Iran’s foreign ministry condemned the attack as “a blatant violation of Lebanon’s sovereignty and territorial integrity”.


The second of the two strikes, and the one that sent oil prices spiking, came just hours later when Hamas’ political leader was killed while in Iran for the swearing-in ceremony of the country’s new president.


The strike has dramatically heightened tensions in the region and is likely to undermine Gaza ceasefire talks, with Iran, Qatar, Jordan, and Lebanon all condemning Israel.


The Supreme Leader of Iran, Ali Khamenei added to fears of a broader war by saying “It is our Duty to take Revenge and Severely Punish the Zionist Entity for the Assassination in Iran, because the Assassination was carried out on our Soil.”

Anonymous ID: b01a71 Aug. 1, 2024, 12:22 p.m. No.21334521   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4915 >>5093

15 arrested in crackdown on high-profile Albanian criminal network


The Albanian authorities, in cooperation with Europol and Belgian, Dutch and French law enforcement, have successfully concluded a major operation, arresting 15 suspected members of a notorious Albanian organised crime group under investigation in multiple jurisdictions.


The coordinated effort, named Operation GORGON, culminated in a series of raids carried out in Tirana, Albania, on 31 July against key figures within the criminal network. Significant assets were seized as a result, including real estate and EUR 1 million in cash.


From contract killings to complex money laundering

This high-profile Albanian organised crime group was hierarchically structured, with branches operating internationally. The gang was mainly composed of family members and associates from the same area in Albania. The group’s members are suspected of being responsible for numerous contract killings, large-scale drug trafficking and the laundering of illicit profits via complex cryptocurrency transactions.


Among those arrested features a prominent money launderer based in Tirana, who provided his services to several other top-level criminal groups engaged at an international level in murders, corruption and large-scale drug trafficking, among other criminal activities.


The investigation also uncovered how the leader of this organised crime group and his associates ordered the killing of several members of other Albanian criminal groups by contracting hitmen. At least seven murders have been attributed to this specific criminal group between 2019 and 2020, a number of which have been carried out outside of Albania.


Intelligence development by Europol

In the framework of the analysis work carried out on SKY ECC data, Europol developed reliable intelligence on the activities of this gang.


This intelligence was provided to the Albanian Special Prosecution Office for Anticorruption and Organised Crime (SPAK), which took immediate action and opened an investigation. Since then, Europol has provided continuous intelligence development and analysis in support of the national investigation, leveraging its comprehensive expertise by mobilising its various specialised centres.


During the action day, three experts from Europol’s European Serious Organised Crime Centre and European Cybercrime Centre were deployed to Tirana to support the Albanian authorities with their enforcement actions.


https://www.europol.europa .eu/media-press/newsroom/news/15-arrested-in-crackdown-high-profile-albanian-criminal-network

Anonymous ID: b01a71 Aug. 1, 2024, 12:31 p.m. No.21334585   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4915 >>5093

Leaked Docs: German Government Knew Covid Shots Were Deadly before Rollout


Explosive leaked documents have revealed that the German government was told that Covid mRNA shots were deadly, but officials chose to ignore the warnings and push strict vaccine mandates that even included children.


According to leaked documents from Germany’s public health agency, the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), the country’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic was driven by political objectives rather than scientific evidence.


The documents, known as the “RKI Files,” were leaked by a former employee of the RKI and published in their entirety by investigative journalist Aya Velázquez.


The files reveal that German regulators sought to skip Phase 3 trials of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine and go straight into broad application, despite concerns from scientists about its effectiveness.


The documents also show evidence of policymakers targeting and nudging children, as well as knowledge that the vaccines were ineffective and led to severe adverse events.


Despite this knowledge, the government pursued measures rewarding the vaccinated and punishing the unvaccinated.


The RKI Files also reveal that policymakers and scientists sought to ignore evidence of a flattening curve early in the pandemic and the ineffectiveness of masks and mass testing.


The documents have raised questions about the transparency and integrity of Germany’s pandemic response, with critics arguing that politicians, rather than health authorities, made the decisions.


It was reported in German but biotechnologist Dr. Simon Goddek provided key takeaways in English.


The first key takeaway from these documents is the fact that the Covid-vaccinated suffer more severely from the Covid virus than non-vaccinated individuals do. The German CDC knew this in 2020.



Anonymous ID: b01a71 Aug. 1, 2024, 12:38 p.m. No.21334643   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4915 >>5093

PEDO BUN 1 August 24


Federal Judge Sentences Chicago Man to 40 Years in Prison for Sex Trafficking Several Children


Former Georgia Teacher Admits to Catfishing Students and Posting Child Sexual Assault Material on Discord


Landlord Sentenced to 15 Years in Prison for Possessing Child Sexual Abuse Material


Canadian national admits to attempted coercion and enticement, distribution of child pornography


Des Moines Man Sentenced to 6 Years in Federal Prison for Attempted Transfer of Obscene Material to a Minor


Volleyball Coach Indicted for Sexually Exploiting Minors on Social Media and Producing Child Sexual Abuse Material


Illinois Man Sentenced to 35 Years in Federal Prison for Production of Child Pornography


Cape Canaveral Man Sentenced To Five Years In Federal Prison For Possessing Child Sexual Abuse Material


Brevard Man Sentenced To More Than 19 Years For Sexual Abuse Of A Minor


Lame Deer man sentenced to 10 years in prison for attempting to coerce and pay for sex with minors on Northern Cheyenne Indian Reservation

Anonymous ID: b01a71 Aug. 1, 2024, 12:45 p.m. No.21334698   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4701 >>4706 >>4744 >>4915 >>5093

Epidemic of Child Sex Abuse in School Sparks Outrage


Officials and teachers at government schools across the nation have been raping and sexually abusing millions of captive children, even as school districts and the dishonest media work to cover up the scandals, according to researchers. The scale of the horror dwarfs the abuse of children by Roman Catholic clergy.


New research confirms that sexual misconduct by government educators revealed in shocking U.S. Department of Education statistics from more than 20 years remains a major problem. Writing at, James Varney calls it the “largest ongoing sexual abuse scandal in our nation’s history.”


Even though the horrific problem is well known in the industry, the problem appears to be getting worse. And there are powerful efforts to suppress the news. In fact, the Biden administration sought to stop all data collection on sexual crimes by government school educators — apparently a favor to the $1 trillion-per-year education establishment and teachers unions that funnel so much public money into Democrat campaign coffers.


Varney, too, fingered teachers’ unions for their efforts to keep the iceberg of horror hidden from view. “For a variety of reasons, ranging from embarrassment to eagerness to avoid liability, elected or appointed officials, along with unions or lobbying groups representing school employees, have fought to keep the truth hidden from the public,” he continued.


In 2004, the U.S. Department of Education released perhaps the most comprehensive review of the data on sex crimes by educators against children. The “Shakeshaft Report,” authored by Carol Shakeshaft and based on a survey of existing research, found that about one in ten children had been victims of sexual misconduct by government school staff.


If those conclusions were correct, tens of millions of American children have been sexually abused, raped, molested, or attacked by government-school employees in recent decades. In fact, a growing body of evidence — both data and anecdotes — suggests the problem has become even more severe since the original report was released.


According to the data that does exist, over two thirds of the perpetrators are male. Slightly more than half of the victims are female, suggesting a disproportionate amount of the abuse and misconduct is being perpetrated by homosexual men. More than a third of victims are below high-school age.


Perhaps even more alarming: Only a tiny fraction of the abuse, rape, and misconduct is ever reported, researchers found. And even when it is reported, “privacy” laws passed by bought-and-paid for politicians and outrageous union contracts often protect the accused, allowing them to move from school to school undetected while racking up more victims.


Unfortunately for child victims, the U.S. Department of Education does not and has never tracked sexual misconduct committed by school staff against students. And it does not appear seriously interested in doing anything about it, other than working to cover it up by ending all data collection and burying the information.

Anonymous ID: b01a71 Aug. 1, 2024, 12:46 p.m. No.21334707   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4730 >>4895 >>4915 >>5093

Is Israel Deliberately Provoking an Escalation That Might Drag the U.S. Into the Conflict?


This week's targeted killings in Beirut and Tehran raise three fundamental questions, including the biggest one: Who has a vested interest in an expanded regional war?


The assassination of terrorists, for lack of a better word, is good. It is the epitome of raw justice served. It is morally and ethically justifiable. But human sentiment, vendettas and natural rage aside, assassinations are not a strategy or a policy. They also rarely, if ever, change the fundamentals, parameters and dynamics of a conflict.



Anonymous ID: b01a71 Aug. 1, 2024, 12:48 p.m. No.21334720   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4915 >>5093

The Israeli Terrorist State. Craig Murray


It is no longer possible to categorise the nihilistic violence of the Israeli state. It appears to have no objective other than violence and an urge for desolation.


In 24 hours Israel has murdered the man with whom it would need to negotiate hostage release in the short term and political settlement in the long term, and a key figure in its most dangerous potential military enemy which has refrained from full-on war.


In doing so it has violated the territory, indeed the capitals, of two crucial regional states.


Israel has also taken a policy decision that the mass rape of detainees by soldiers – and, somewhat strangely, homosexual rape in particular – is acceptable in war and not to be punished.


Ironically Israel has also underlined its genocidal intent in Gaza by proving that it has the technical ability to carry out targeted attacks, and that the flattening of entire cities with 2,000lb bombs and the massacre of tens of thousands of innocents has been a policy choice.


The western media appears paralysed by this. I have seen virtually no serious comment or analysis. Nor has anybody pointed out the contrast between Israel’s lies about mass rape on October 7 and Israel’s now-admitted policy of tolerating rape of detainees.


The political class seems even more paralysed than the media class. Caught in their commitment to Zionism – basically bought and paid for – they have nothing to say about these incredible events more sensible than Kamala Harris’s zombie-like incantation of “Israel’s right to self-defence”.


The British Foreign Office has failed to produce its promised considered reaction to the ICJ Opinion on the illegality of Israeli occupation, let alone responded sensibly to Israel’s crazed paroxysm of destruction this week.


For me it is now axiomatic that there is no two state solution and that apartheid Israel must be completely dismantled as an entity. I believe that more and more people around the entire globe believe that now.


And if we have to dismantle our own political and media classes to get there, so be it.

Anonymous ID: b01a71 Aug. 1, 2024, 12:54 p.m. No.21334768   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4915 >>5093

The Netherlands Sends Convicted Child Rapist To Represent At Olympics


In 1897, French sociologist Émile Durkheim put forward his theory of anomie. Durkeim postulated that a lack of social cohesion leading to the degradation of norms which cultures were built upon would inevitably lead to the dissolve of a society. His theory and heritage proved to be prescient, perhaps best illustrated by the opening ceremony of the 2024 Olympics in Paris. While the controversial ceremony marked by satanic imagery, debauchery, gluttony, and transgenderism embodied the social degradation Durkeim forewarned of, the host nation that organized the garish display is not the only country whose participation in the games is marred by sexual depravity. In an even more brazen abandonment of respect for social and cultural norms, France’s neighbor the Netherlands has sent its compatriot Steven van de Velde to represent the nation at the 2024 games despite the fact that the beach volleyball player was sentenced to 4 years in prison for the rape of a 12-year-old girl on 2014.

Anonymous ID: b01a71 Aug. 1, 2024, 12:55 p.m. No.21334775   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4786 >>4915 >>5093

Zelensky Suspends Ukraine's Foreign Debt Payments Starting Aug 1st


Who could have seen this coming? Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelensky has signed a new law which defers public debt payments until October if necessary, Reuters has confirmed. The bill was signed by Zelensky and returned to parliament on Wednesday.


The government now has the authority to postpone payments on external public debt until restructuring negotiations are seen through, which could then see a moratorium held that would formally mark a sovereign default.


"It is necessary to introduce, for the period of transactions to change the terms of borrowing, temporary measures related to the servicing and repayment of debt obligations and a moratorium on satisfaction of creditors' claims," the bill released by the president's office said.


The clock is ticking on debt restructure as a payment freeze agreed upon two years ago will soon expire (on Aug.1), and as Reuters notes: "Earlier this month, Ukraine announced a preliminary deal with a committee of its main bondholders to restructure its near $20 billion worth of international debt."


Bondholders must still approve the deal, which is likely, given the plan has the support of foreign governments.


Exactly one week ago, Fitch Ratings downgraded the country's long-term foreign currency issuer default rating from the "CC" level to the lower "C" level.


"The reported agreement with external commercial creditors constitutes a distressed debt exchange (DDE) under its sovereign rating criteria," Fitch said.


Reuters further reviews that the proposal would see "a 37% nominal haircut on Ukraine's outstanding international bonds, saving Kyiv $11.4 billion in payments over the next three years - the duration of the country's program with the International Monetary Fund, according to government statements."


It was in February 2022 that Ukraine reached a hasty agreement with its creditors to freeze payments of some 23$ billion till August 2024 amid the backdrop of the Russian invasion. Since then Kiev has been almost completely reliant on foreign aid.


This was all long ago predicted, including by EU parliamentarians, given that the longer the war drags on the closer the war-ravaged country is to defaulting…


Following what now inaugurates a period of a short-term debt default, private bondholders are likely agree to push Ukraine's debt payments until 2027, thus seeking to minimize the impact on Ukraine's ability for long-term borrowing.

Anonymous ID: b01a71 Aug. 1, 2024, 12:59 p.m. No.21334804   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4825 >>4915 >>5093

More than 7,000 NSA analysts are using generative AI tools, director says


The signals-intelligence agency has about 170 AI-related projects in the works, including 10 of the highest priority.


More than 7,000 National Security Agency analysts have begun using generative AI tools in the past year, the agency’s director said Tuesday.


These “piloted capabilities” are being used for “intelligence, cybersecurity, and business workflows,” Gen. Timothy Haugh said at an Intelligence and National Security Alliance event.


“The feedback we've received from the workforce has been overwhelmingly positive, helping our analysts work smarter and better,” Haugh said.


Intelligence agencies using artificial intelligence isn’t new, but the community has been more open with testing the technology in everyday work. The Department of Homeland Security’s intelligence shop has been experimenting with cloud-based AI tools for analysts and the Central Intelligence Agency has been building its own ChatGPT-like tool while grappling with troves of data.


NSA aims to home in on a few promising projects, Haugh said.


The agency has “over 170 different things that are going on from an AI project perspective. But there's really about 10 of those that we have to ensure, from a national-security perspective, are awesome. Those other 160, we want to create opportunities for people to experiment, leverage, [and] compliantly use. And some of those will become things that could be just as critical. But those 10, we gotta get right. Because those are the things that are gonna allow us to bring advantage to our nation,” he said.


The NSA broadened its advocacy for AI, including warning startups about their vulnerability to intellectual property theft, pushing for more government-wide adoption, and helping companies understand developing threats.


“It's important, however, to look at AI more than just as a means to enhance our capabilities,” the general said. “One of the ways we're going in great lengths at NSA to minimize the risk of generative AI is by establishing a robust AI governance process, guided by a chief responsibility AI officer, which will ensure that privacy rights are fully preserved, and any adoption of advanced AI occurs legally compliant, and secure.”


The agency’s nearly-year-old AI security center is starting to produce dividends, Haugh said, such as finding flaws in large language models, which can be used for translating languages.


“They're producing products that identify vulnerabilities in large language models, how large language models can be secured, [and] how large language models can be targeted by nation states. So we're putting out unclassified products that start that discussion with industry,” particularly smaller businesses, he said.


One of the center’s goals is to bring in smaller companies that have intellectual property “but maybe don't have the infrastructure that larger AI-focused companies have” and also advise the U.S. government on AI security, Haugh said. “Because we want to ensure that we are protecting any of the models we're using, the technology we're using, and ensuring we're doing that in a way that certainly is compliant and responsible.”


Later this year, the agency is planning a conference on managing high-impact AI applications in national security with the National Cryptologic Foundation.


“AI will have a direct impact on every aspect of near-future warfare. We must be sure that we can protect the warfighter, our most essential national security systems, and our daily infrastructure against adversaries who would leverage AI for their advantage,” Haugh said. “With tensions in the Pacific, ongoing conflict in Europe and our elections just around the corner. These are not theoretical discussions.”

Anonymous ID: b01a71 Aug. 1, 2024, 1:17 p.m. No.21334934   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4946 >>5093

Another government psyop?


Hundreds march with communist flags in major US city


Viral videos show hundreds of protesters marching through Philadelphia with communist flags. The protest, which took place on Sunday, called for a “class war” to overthrow capitalism in the United States.


According to Fox News, Sunday’s march through the streets of Philadelphia came as the Revolutionary Communists of America said it conducted its founding congress in the city over the weekend. Videos from the march show hundreds of protesters waving red flags with the hammer and sickle symbols of the communist movement.


In the videos, the protesters can be heard shouting, “Class war 2024! Fight the rich and feed the poor!”


A Philadelphia Police Department spokesperson told Fox News that roughly 300 individuals participated in Sunday’s protest march. The police spokesperson added that there were “no significant issues, no citations, no arrests” in connection with the march.


On the Revolutionary Communists of America’s website, the organization describes itself as a “party of class fighters committed to the complete overthrow of capitalism.”


“We fight for a world of material superabundance and reject the artificial scarcity of a system based on the pursuit of profits,” the organization’s website states. “We fight to build a revolutionary leadership worthy of the name and to establish a workers’ government that can mobilize the working class to tackle the capitalist roots of war, inequality, oppression, and climate catastrophe.”


READ MORE: Vids/Pic: Calif. streets lined with Chinese flags for Chinese Communist president


According to its website, the Revolutionary Communists of America is engaged in the “American Socialist Revolution” and is pushing for the reorganization of society “once the working class wins political and economic power.”


The videos of Sunday’s march in Philadelphia led to multiple responses on social media from well-known personalities to everyday Americans. Tesla and SpaceX CEO Elon Musk shared a video of the march with an exclamation mark caption on X, formerly Twitter.


Sharing another video of the march, media personality Brigitte Gabriel wrote, “Hundreds decided to march in Philadelphia over the weekend in support of communism, an ideology that is responsible for the death of 100+ million innocent lives. What an abomination.”


In response to the videos on X, one social media user tweeted, “Why don’t they just move to communism countries if they want communism?” Another social media user warned, “You can vote yourself into communism, but can’t vote yourself out. Look at Venezuela this night.” Meanwhile, a third social media user suggested, “This group should be on a watchlist.”

Anonymous ID: b01a71 Aug. 1, 2024, 1:38 p.m. No.21335040   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5068

Trigger happy Israel and its thirst for revenge


These cross-border assassinations reflect a national rage playing out in Gaza's carnage — and Netanyahu's desire to keep the war going forever


The assassination in Iran of Hamas political leader Ismail Haniyeh, almost certainly by Israel or elements acting on Israel’s behalf, will have no positive effects—including for the security of Israel itself.


Instead, it will only increase further the already high potential for additional war, death, and destruction in the Middle East.


The Iranian regime will feel obligated to respond, even though the victim of the assassination was not Iranian. The attack happened in the heart of Iran, and the killing of a foreign visitor who was in town for the inauguration of Iran’s new president is a severe embarrassment for Tehran.


Iranian decision-makers will weigh conflicting considerations in choosing how to respond. One clue to their thinking is Iran’s response to Israel’s attack on an Iranian diplomatic compound in Damascus in April. That Iranian retaliation was a missile and drone barrage on Israel that was large but designed to minimize damage to Israel and thus minimize any rationale for Israel to escalate further.


The Iranian response to the newest assassination will not necessarily be the same, but the regime may again look for ways to send a forceful message while limiting the risk of escalation.


It has become standard Israeli practice to treat any armed action against Israel as if it were unprovoked aggression rather than retaliation for something Israel itself had done. Thus, it can be expected that no matter how Iran retaliates this time, Israel will respond with additional violent actions. This tit-for-tat, despite efforts by one side or the other to limit escalation, will carry the risk of spinning out of control.


Israel’s long record of assassinations, as well as other sabotage, in Iran has focused in the past on Iranian nuclear scientists. Those assassinations, unlike diplomatic measures, did nothing to prevent the Iranian nuclear program from advancing to its current status of being on the threshold of having enough fissile material for a nuclear weapon.


Similarly, the assassination of Haniyeh will do nothing to curb Hamas violence against Israelis, either in the Gaza Strip or elsewhere. Haniyeh was a political figure who lived in exile in recent years and appeared to have little or no influence on, or even awareness of, the military activities of Hamas elements in Gaza. The main immediate effect of the assassination will be to impede negotiations for a cease-fire and hostage release, because of both Haniyeh’s personal role in the diplomacy involved and the overall increase in tension and animosity in the environment surrounding the diplomacy.

Anonymous ID: b01a71 Aug. 1, 2024, 1:43 p.m. No.21335070   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5093

Reminder Many white Australian's came to OZ chained to the bottom of convict ships from England


Inside the Greens' staggering new plan for Aussies to pay billions in 'reparations' for COLONIALISM and climate change - while hitting struggling Aussies with a death tax that will hurt the young the most


The Greens have outlined a number of agendas

Plans to enforce death tax, but it's called 'dynastic wealth transfer'

Other plans involve paying reparations for colonialism


A Greens proposal to force Australians to cough up billions of dollars in reparations for climate change and 'colonialism' - and tax 'large' family inheritances - has been slammed as 'crazy'.


Documents on the party's website outline a little known economic agenda that would heavily impact younger generations, who already face exorbitant rent and property prices, comparatively low wages, and inflated HECS repayments.


According to the documents, the party has reimagined the idea of an inheritance tax - traditionally unpopular in Australia - and rebranded it as a 'dynastic wealth transfer' tax.


New taxes would also apply to financial gifts, such as house deposits from parents to children who are unable to save money faster than the rising property prices.


Further plans include $4.5billion for 'climate reparations' and 'the ongoing impacts and legacy of colonialism'.


'As a wealthy, colonial country, Australia has a responsibility to contribute its fair share of aid, and pay reparations for its role in the climate crisis and the ongoing damage caused by western imperialism,' the policy agenda read.


It is unclear where that money would go - whether it would be paid to Pacific nations, as suggested in the documents, or to another international body. Also unclear is how exactly that links to 'western imperialism'.


The party also outlines plans to wipe all debt owed to Australia in the hope that it would inspire other countries to follow suit.