Anonymous ID: ea72e2 Aug. 1, 2024, 12:59 p.m. No.21334800   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4810 >>4915 >>5093




>not looking to notable

>looking to discuss

>and provoke further thought

Matt has DNA of both parents?


Matt had mental health issues, yet his father bought him an "assault" rifle?

Father called leo's to say something is wrong with kid? Used as cover to escape prosecution? Get out of jail/ investigation free call?

Not average false flag. Was crooks family a specialized ff weapon?

Who sanitized the house? Matt, parents, both, or cleaning team?

Are parents MKUltra victims to train MKUltra assassin?

CIA said Matt was "not under the influence" of MKUltra. What do they call it nowadays? They tagged MKUltra to the statement since that program was canceled. They did not say any other program or method was not used to influence Matt. Just MKUltra. Leaves open all other options used or agencies/ subcontractors involved.

Who is the prop that tags along with father in public? Not that it matters, it just a prop.

Should parents lose license to practice? They failed miserably.

Mother not seen in public yet? Could she be Matt's director? Is the father a prop as well? Why not friends, family, or neighbors helping to support family in early stages after attempt? i.e. groceries ect… Or are parents being ostracized? i.e. 10ft pole

Or is whole family a prop?

Mother a dem, father a libertarian, yet son is MAGA and wanted to take out MAGA leader. Only makes sense to programed sheep and TDS cases.

Any other questions I missed or that questions I submitted have been answered?

Anonymous ID: ea72e2 Aug. 1, 2024, 1:13 p.m. No.21334902   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>bracelet wearing faggot

In early anon investigations, an anon had brougbt up the fact that the bracelet wearing faggot had a matching bracelet on crooks. I didn't copy post and didn't think of it until later that bracelets might have been used to identify friendlies. Could that have been the hesitation to fire on crooks for those "not in the know?"