Here's a Collector's Edition Dono Scoreboard for ya.
If you copypasta the box it says 1%.
Kinda getting tired of the same joint getting passed around.
Now I know I've seen't bongs, but that's hard to get looking good.
How about a one-hitter tho?
I don't mean to piss on your dijjies, but some of these newsbots go on QR META to complain to BO if all they got was 7 Notables in the last Bread.
kek it's already being hog'd by Big Newsbot
>There's not that many to choose from.
Like I mentioned, I've seen some bongs but they weren't that good.
Not their fault as it's hard to do well.
But, what's up with no one-hitters tho?
I sinse (pun intended Grammys of the board) a conspiracy.
Anon, the real story is Notable Gets aren't what they used to be.
Any anon could get them if they newsbotted.
Whenever I post a copypasta (usually stuff on say watkinsreport etc that wasn't here yet) I get them.
That's far from the digg glory of OG Notables fame.
A 2018 Muh Notable meant something.
Ok, now QR is having identity politics food fights.
We've (inb4) come so far.
If you like your Precipice faster please and want to see Peak Clown World crash, then root for him to win the Gold.
With moar brutal TKOs please.
Oh, yeah, I'm sure it did.
But, let's not get cocky, it still only hit 39%.
And now that it looks like (most) ignoring it see it's business as usual anyway, it doesn't look good for that % to get beat in August.
Let's see what happens.
Let's do it.
Well, as long as you don't have a chain of random daily occurrences that all end badly for you like BadLuckAnon that was just here lb you'll be fine, Anon.
Whoa now you're getting exotic.
Just a simple pay for play model will do.
Complicated always fucks anons as a whole up.
You hit 100% it comes back up for 30 days.
Resets to 0.
If at the end of 30 days it hasn't hit 100% then down she goes again.
>That said
IRL Jim has a certain date each month he needs to pay the monies and my ideal scenario wouldn't vibe with that.
Can anyone here translate from Haiku to American?
Because if not then, then never.
I hear ya, #MeToo.
It's the honorable thing to do if you legit use the comm platform Jim provides.
I'm just saying tho, it's status quo site's gonna be up what's the big fuss??? complacency that will settle in now.
If the books had odds I'd play Under 39% for August ngl.
>nude (close enough to not be an illegal tangent)
I still posit that nude yoga vidyas was gonna be on her timeline had YT not tragically created a martyr.
They were kinda like Woodstock.
99% of anons claimed to have owned 1 or 2, 3…
But, only 1% really did.
They had better ads than WatkinsReport does that's for sure.
Oh, I'm totally rooting for GOLD you betcha!
Let's move this Precipice on down the timeline faster please.
Uh huh.
Why do you go to "hospital" and not "the hospital", Bong?
It sounds stupid.
That's one of many reasons Americans don't speak the Queen's version.
>a man with gold toilets can afford the best tippy top plastic surgeon
>GTFO it was a WH FF he's telegraphing the shit out of it
I dunno, tough call, Marlene.
Said brb gonna go buy a pack of smokes iirc.
I wouldn't do any fronthole stuff, but I'd go to 2nd base for a bit.
The only irl trannies I see in my blue city are of the fat incel trying a new angle variety.
Yeah, the board that has no consensus seems to have a consensus that think mirror rules apply here.
Time to fire up the Based Maduro memecannon.
He puts moar effort into looking hot and not being fat than many other girls.
Like I said, it ain't faggot if there's no fronthole/manpole action of any kind.
Yeah, those dudes around me go to the hardware store and shit.
Everyone is quiet about it there's no trouble but the looks everyone gives each other afterwards are precious cultural interactions.
You would have had the roses meme out had that tranny not been called out ahead of time.
Not buying it.
kek you never know
I see where the rumor mill says the Shapiro guy is out because he copped a feel at the office and had to settle.
Lotsa bread munching this bread by quite a few anons indeed.
It's not just for Vatty any moar!
I have 2 baby mommas.
Look at you.
Turned on by that hot tranny up above.
Can't stop talking about it.
Don't blame ya, he's the real uncanny valley that's oh so rare.
These fat larper dudes by me are a joke.
It wouldn't even have to be that dark of a bar.
Your overcompensating muh manhood act would have been all over him if he looked at you with come hither eyes.
It's in LA 4 years from now.
The Plan should be past the Clown World poz is so cool stage by then.
Otherwise the LA one could be a doozy.