Anonymous ID: 38f252 Aug. 1, 2024, 10:14 p.m. No.21337496   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>21336079 pb

Per her country Olympic committee and the oic she is an intersex with female genitalia and male characteristics or what you call an XXY

It’s a sad story

Anon opinion is it’s the fucking Olympics it’s a distraction from the happening everywhere

Middle East , Israel, China, Russia, Africa


So it’s not a transgender story it’s a story to make the west comment and then the East get angry


Who shakes the jar !!!!

East Vs west



It’s the same game

In the Arabic media they are attacking the western media for not investigating the true story and inciting people towards more anger Kek


It’s an upside down world

They seeth for any angry reaction

Exactly like the fake stuff coming out of Venezuela just to get a reaction