Anonymous ID: 66cb33 Aug. 1, 2024, 8:17 p.m. No.21337107   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7111 >>7116 >>7127 >>7151

You know what I miss?I miss real anons engaging and discussing on a post? Hardly ever happens now, before the AI or anons started collecting notables.


I really miss our discussions, knowledge of others, more input, or just Shit posting. I miss the interaction and the serious knowledge shared, or even the keks from the paid trolls. Or picking on them.


I miss learning from anons with knowledge I don't have, that's what I miss.


I also miss when anons ask for "call to dig", anons would jump on it, now it seems it's never engaged in.


I miss the olden days 2017-2019, yep, i'll admit it.