Coming to an end?
It didn't even start.
It's CA's bullet train all over again.
Built my house in 2016 in rural area.
Got DSL line ran in and our bill was $55/mo.
It's gone up each and every month and is now sitting at $127/mo.
Nothing has changed regarding service or speeds.
Cut a heavy fart and it goes down.
It's not the shift to tech that's the problem.
It's the DEI and apathy of the workforce for [insert industry here].
I agree about the phone numbers but not when it comes to IPs. IPv6 can accommodate.
My ISP claims my bill increase is to cover the cost of fiber optic conversion and that I should be able to get it within the next two years but that was 6 years ago.
Meh, whatever.
It's all turning to shit by design.
Hope we can turn it around sooner than later.