what are you smoking other than cock fag.
rittenhouse was a big one, good memes came out of that the trump trials yeah, and then the pepe memes etc.
NO ….and then the seeman is on top , this timeline kek
why, it was the stupid woman that got in the ring in the first place. SHe should have boycotted before by not participating I get how that plays out and it sucks but the beatings will continue till women decide to not play the pc game.
agree. Not many people have been following the Riley Gaines story, some women are fighting back but the majority are not. They don't want the label and the fact the olympics is putting them in that position to give up their dreams they have been fighting for literally for ages training and getting better all on the alter of political correctness. Not to mention that many people because of how this ranking shit works may not know their opponent till day of. My guess it will two trannies beating each other off in the final match. Worded intentionally to cause disgust. Sorry, not sorry kek.
it will be a brave anon who does. I am a coward I will stick with lost.
according to anon earlier today Biden only has control of the Army potentially. They said in a CIC situation the military would fall under the coast guard. Not sure about sauce or if that anon came back later.
he on right now.
this is the shit that gets me enraged to the point of saying things I can not legally say.
why should men do fuck all. Feminism got them to where they are. They want equality well take the punch. If you dont like then women should stand up for the sports and areas that matter to them.
might play skyrim again
so stupid question then if the Navy is the head lets say and the coast guard is the cops basically does that mean they are operating under maritime law?
looks like he wants to go to Nancy Peolosis house with a hammer.
might be the case because if Biden never met with his armed forces commanders except Milly and this Nauta guy is in place somewhere they would have to have a chain of command somehow. The more this discussion goes on the more I think it is very very plausible.