Anonymous ID: 903185 Aug. 2, 2024, 9:48 p.m. No.21343061   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3073 >>3080


Don’t lecture ANON.

When you can’t even have

ANONYMOUS as your name.


You do not have sauce.

I do.

Now read and lurk more.


▶ Ghost Town 06/05/24 (Wed) 12:50:07 438b3f (5) No.20991>>21002 >>21008

>>20990 (OP)


New invite:


100 more are being accepted.

Good luck.


B’s Tripcode : !!qMFQqVT8Uw

▶ B !!qMFQqVT8Uw 02/29/24 (Thu) 11:33:32 a8666a (1) No.20473>>20474



If you have questions.

We have answers.

Leave them and We will answer what We can.

Will check back in the next few days.

IDEN conf as requested.

We are always listening.

WRWY! Then, Now, Forever!


Sgt B

Latest Drop:

▶ Here we go again B !!qMFQqVT8Uw ‪05/28/24 (Tue) 22:19:02‬bdec5d No.9064

Together WE win.

Never give up.

Mission forward together.

… … … … … ..

Welcome back.

>>the wire*/

▶ OP_PlaceHolder Truth Seeker ## Board Owner‪04/19/20 (Sun) 16:18:26‬310310 No.30 [Watch Thread][Show All Posts]

▶ Truth Seeker

‪09/10/21 (Fri) 14:51:00‬2025b8 No.8116

Deepdigs lead to where the kraken sleeps

5 in full swing now, 6 soon

Watching & Waiting


1 Operation TRUTH BQMB

There are more of us than any media outlet. We can flood Social Media at a rate that the MSM cannot keep up with they will have to embrace the truth or suffer from continuing to lie to us. >>OP_T_BQMB

2 Operation MEME warfare

ARM yourself with memes to spread facts and knowledge. Or just for the LULZ >>OP_MW_2020

3 Operation Echo-chamber Backfire

Counter operation to C_A "MOCKINGBIRD", Use Combo of T_BQMB >>OP_ECB

4 Operation Kill AP

Kill the Associated Press, [Infiltration instead of Invasion] >>OP_K_AP[Y]

[$^ Dark; C_L/temp_elevate^$]

5 Operation High Beams

Shine the light on the corruption to expose it >>OP_HB

6 Operation Petal to the metal

Now that the high beams are on it is time to gun it and push the messages further than ever before >>OP_P2M

7 Operation BLAST OFF!

Most who can be woken will be awake, now is time for lift off, BUCKLE UP! >>OP_B!

8 Operation Bird Song

Time to sing as the MOCKINGBIRD did, but now your songs, the songs of freedom >>OP_BS

9 Operation Power to the People

Get involved any way you can and (community, school, local, state, federal) take the power back, take control of your communities, schools, states, and federal decision making >>OP_P2P

[$^Clear; C_L/reset^$]

[{(C_L C-0)} O-S-OP |1-99| Green_OnActive]

10 Operation

…The Silent War Comes to an End! >>OP_HUSH



We the media flag



Why don’t you ask my frens on tora

About me?

You know. Jim Watkins?



But it’s about sauce. Not anon.

