you have my Bless B
he has crazy blue eyes & he may be right
Men Protect the Women
Women Protect the Children
Men should never Hit a Women even for a medal
Restrain, Slap or a even a Backhand sure, but Beat to a pulp, no
A person that lies about their biological sex & Expect you to believe their lie
are not people you can trust to speak truth, especially when angered
God Bless the Police
The Worse things get over there
The Worse Pro-Hamas will get over here
& that's the purpose of Pro-Hamas being over here
First he'll add a 15% Peace tax
Then never fix it
just like the climate still hasn't gotten fixed yet
Women: Trans Women are Women
Men: Trans Women are Men in Woman's face
Women: you're a Bigot
Men: ooook
Someday, they all will understand
that LGBTQIAP+ is cult
I don't think we were supposed to know about actblue
It's True
Friend of mine, they told his wife that their baby was going to be born with down syndrome and she should abort
She didn't and the child didn't have down syndrome
she's an Indian version of Trudeau
When Trump wins
The[y]'re going (Try) to Burn the whole thing down
Diplomacy, Banking, Economies, Stock Markets, Currency, Internet
Pretty sure it's not going to work
& will Tremendously backfire
But they gotta try or else they'll all hang from the noose