Anonymous ID: 01d187 Aug. 2, 2024, 11:58 p.m. No.21343441   🗄️.is đź”—kun


>>Skim down through this guy, plenty of video, and the occasional shill trying to control the narrative.

Have reviewed John clown Cullen’s video & I didn’t “skim”. The shadow of Crooks/Yearick, whoever, on the building I labeled “5” as he ran to his X on “1” & the power pole(?) are suspect as fuck, imo.

While I agree there was another, the primary, shooter w/ a suppressed weapon, Cullen is pointing to a window in the building I labeled “1” which is in local law enforcement’s area of responsibility. Not likely to have been Secret Service, in uniform or not, outside their own area of responsibility.

If shots came out of that window/room, trace should be easy to find as previously stated.