Anonymous ID: 0cd405 Aug. 2, 2024, 11:57 p.m. No.21343438   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3460 >>3523 >>3541


>Seriously why, as a trans woman myself, are trans people the main political talking point for conservatives and especially for this election?

"Trans people" do not exist.

A VERY VERY small number of humans are born with a confused sexual identity, appearing to be men or women in some respect when they are the opposite. These people are exploited by those with a political agenda.

There exists a larger group of adult male sexual perverts who are aroused by the idea that they are women… autogynophiliacs.

To the extent that "trans" hysteria has any organic base, they are it.

They get off on forcing others to acknowledge their fetish.

A much larger group of young women (mostly) and young men get caught up in this and get mutilated Mengele-style by the corporate medical establishment that seeks lifelong patients.

But at the top, the bankster elites realize that if they can get us to pretend that men can be women and vice versa, then they can get us to do anything.

Anonymous ID: 0cd405 Aug. 3, 2024, 1:02 a.m. No.21343519   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3528


>it hit the records of the pentagon audit that rumsfield mentioned the day before,

Right, right, I recall that.

Rumsfeld announced like the day before that there was some HUGE discrepancy in funds that were gone and nobdody could explain it.

And then DISASTER destroys all the records on that… they were in that very sector.

But while this arguably is circumstantial evidence pointing to inside "black hat" direction of the attack, it does not say anything about the plane vs missile debate.

Maybe the "black hat" handlers simply told the "Saudi pilot" where to hit? Dunno….