Anonymous ID: 42bf71 Aug. 3, 2024, 4:03 a.m. No.21343805   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>3806



Really though, Baker… Don't you think it is odd that an article which POTUS truthed and says so much about the current ISRAEL situation would NOT be notable?

Some of the local shills would say that this is "Fascinating" really…



For some odd reason, a whole series of POTUS posts from yesterday 11 23 2023 were simply listed as 'POTUS SHITPOSTING', with only the most recent post capped.


The notable was titled "POTUS SHITPOSTING".

One of the articles POTUS "shitposted" wasThe Israel Op

>>19967599, >>19967595 , >>19967592 , >>19967589


THE ISRAEL OP BUNPOTUS re truthed this article on 11 23 2023 and it was not noted at all.

>>19969690, >>19969691, >>19969695, >>19969696 , >>19969697, >>19969707, >>19969712


Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump Israel Op

An information warfare campaign tries to flip demoralized portions of the right into supporting Hamas and Obama’s Iran deal Nov 23, 2023, 3:43 PM Israel OpAn information warfare campaign tries to flip demoralized portions of the right into supporting Hamas and Obama’s Iran deal pI

Information warfare campaigns designed by the U.S. government to target Americans with the aim of splitting them apart from their countrymen through weaponized falsehoods are rooted in new methods of shaping and controlling the online communities that many Americans trust to interpret the world around them. From Russiagate to COVID-19 to Jan. 6, the newness and force of these campaigns has knocked the country senseless, with the left readily acclimating itself to third-world norms, and large parts of the right increasingly hopeless.


What the right has learned from a decade of information warfare targeting it is to distrust the media. Knowing, for instance, that the Justice Department interfered in the 2016, 2020, and now the 2024 elections, what else is phony? Was 9/11 an inside job after all? What about the moon landing? What haven’t we been lied to about? Our families are real, our kids are real. But what else is there to hold on to? It’s like reaching for a life raft and finding only splinters. Maybe America is fake all the way down.


But it’s not, and the right can’t afford to let itself be fooled into despair with so much at stake. The same U.S. government agencies and officials that pushed everything from Russiagate to the Russia bounty story and lied about the origins of COVID-19, Hunter Biden’s laptop, and the character of Jan. 6 protests are now warning that Israel’s war against Hamas is likely to drag U.S. forces into WWIII. It’s another information operation designed to disorient and demoralize the America First camp. This time, however, there’s a big difference—an influential segment of the right is amplifying the left’s campaign against them.


The left claims that America is a fraud at its origins, a racist hoax perpetrated against nonwhites to this very day. The left tears down monuments, desecrates our heroes, replaces our holidays, and rewrites our history to suit their pathological grievances. It’s a whole-of-party effort to force the middle class to our knees in despair, so that the country’s ruling class and the oligarchs can continue running their high-tech monopolies while defunding police forces and opening the borders to depress wages, impoverish communities, and terrorize families.


But now, the right is in danger of transitioning into the left. Maybe it shouldn’t be surprising that amid the ruins, some of those capitalizing on the chaos and preying on the shell-shocked are themselves from the right. A year ago, for example, right-wing influencer Jackson Hinkle sounded like a normal Trump voter. After Biden delivered his infamous Philadelphia speech accusing his political opponents of terrorism, Hinkle called him a dictator, and said he was plunging us into fascism at the behest of George Soros and Klaus Schwab while using the intelligence agencies to target freedom-loving Americans. Most of that is true.


Today, however, Hinkle’s Twitter feed looks like nothing more than a Soros-funded operation, pumping out reports every hour enticing clicks via the eternal threat that is antisemitism, and promoting actual America-hating terrorists in the process. Hinkle’s business model?“Subscribe to my X Premium for $3 to help me DEFEAT THE ZIONIST LIES.”

Anonymous ID: 42bf71 Aug. 3, 2024, 4:04 a.m. No.21343806   🗄️.is đź”—kun








Although the phenomenon of "Court Jewry" did not occur until the early 17th century, examples of what would be later called court Jews can be found earlier in Jewish moneylenders

who accumulated enough capital to finance the royalty and the nobility.

Among them was Josce of Gloucester, the Jewish financier who funded Richard de Clare, 2nd Earl of Pembroke's conquest of Ireland in 1170,[7] and Aaron of Lincoln, presumably the wealthiest individual in 12th-century Britain,

who left an estate of about ÂŁ100,000.[5][8]

Also notable was Vivelin of Strasbourg, one of the wealthiest persons in Europe in the early 14th century, who lent 340,000 florins to Edward III of England on the eve of the Hundred Years' War, in 1339.[9]

By the 16th century, Jewish financiers became increasingly connected to rulers and courts.

Josef Goldschmidt (d. 1572) of Frankfurt, also known as "Jud Joseph zum Goldenen Schwan", became the most important Jewish businessman of his era, trading not only with the Fuggers and Imhoffs,

but also with the nobility and the Church.[10] In the early 17th century the Habsburgs employed the services of Jacob Bassevi of Prague, Joseph Pincherle of Gorizia, and Moses and Jacob Marburger of Gradisca.


At the dawn of mercantilism, while most Sephardi Jews were primarily active in the west in maritime and colonial trade, the Ashkenazi Jews in the service of the emperor and princes tended toward domestic trade.[11]

They were mostly wealthy businessmen, distinguished above their co-religionists by their commercial instincts and their adaptability. Court Jews frequently came into conflict with court rivals and co-religionists.


The court Jews, as the agents of the rulers, and in times of war as the purveyors and the treasurers of the state, enjoyed special privileges.

They were under the jurisdiction of the court marshal, and were not compelled to wear the Jews' badge.

They were permitted to stay wherever the Emperor held his court, and to live anywhere in the Holy Roman Empire, even in places where no other Jews were allowed.

Wherever they settled they could buy houses, slaughter meat according to the Jewish ritual, and maintain a rabbi. They could sell their goods wholesale and retail, and could not be taxed or assessed higher than the Christians.

Jews were sometimes assigned the role of local tax collectors.




Apr 04, 2018 7:02:33 PM EDT

Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 169658 No. 896860

List the estimated wealth of religious organizations.


Vatican bank.


Board of Superintendence.

Supervisory Commission of Cardinals.

Clown connection.

1832 ROTHSCHILD loan to the Holy See.


Anonymous ID: 42bf71 Aug. 3, 2024, 4:05 a.m. No.21343810   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>3816

Annunaki: The Movie | Episode 1 | Lost Book Of Enki - Tablet 1-5


00:00 Attestation Of Endubsar -Prologue

10:19 Tablet 1

29:00 Tablet 2

37:30 The Myth Of Tiamat

45:48 Tablet 3

59:23 Tablet 4

1:19:30 Tablet 5


Q !UW.yye1fxo 12/19/2017 17:39:15 ID: 03c2f4 376

8chan/cbts: 126948

Anonymous 12/19/2017 17:37:38 ID:fad025

8chan/cbts: 126928


Are UFOs a distraction?



How far away is the closest star?

What do you think?



Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 09/19/2018 20:25:34 ID: 98088e 2222

8chan/qresearch: 3094236

Anonymous 09/19/2018 20:10:44 ID:5948d8

8chan/qresearch: 3093831


Are we alone ?

Roswell ?




Highest classification.

Consider the vastness of space.



Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 09/19/2018 20:58:13 ID: 922952 2225

8chan/qresearch: 3095105

Anonymous 09/19/2018 20:45:34 ID:a16b71

8chan/qresearch: 3094804


Did NASA fake the moon landings? Have we been to the moon since then? Are there secret space programs? Is this why the Space Force was created?



False, moon landings are real.

Programs exist that are outside of public domain.



Nov 27, 2022 8:06:20 PM EST

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 000000 No. 17830326 4966

What is coded in your DNA?

Who put it there?


Mankind is repressed.

We will be repressed no more.

Information is knowledge.

Knowledge is power.

Information is power.

How do you protect your DNA?

There is a war for your DNA.

Protect your DNA.



Anonymous ID: 42bf71 Aug. 3, 2024, 4:06 a.m. No.21343811   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>3816

Annunaki: The Movie | Episode 1 | Lost Book Of Enki - Tablet 1-5


00:00 Attestation Of Endubsar -Prologue

10:19 Tablet 1

29:00 Tablet 2

37:30 The Myth Of Tiamat

45:48 Tablet 3

59:23 Tablet 4

1:19:30 Tablet 5



Annunaki: The Movie | Episode 2 | Lost Book Of Enki - Tablet 6-9


00:00 To Create A Primitive Worker

15:38 Birth Of Adam

23:07 Birth of Eve

29:57 Thoth Adds Procreation to Man

34:00 The Lost Story of Adam & Eve

39:45 The New Annunaki of Earth

47:20 Enki & Marduk Mission On Moon

57:09 Anu Visits Earth

1:02:05 Enki Becomes Human

1:04:44 Birth Of Adapa & Titi

1:11:45 Adapa Visits Nibiru

1:25:41 The Lost Story of Cain & Abel

1:36:15 Enki-Me(Enoch) Departs To Heaven

1:45:00 Marduk Marries An Earthling

1:55:40 Birth of Noah



Annunaki: The Movie | Episode 3 | Lost Book Of Enki - Tablet 10-14


00:00 Introduction

01:20 Enki Has A Dream

03:38 Enki Speaks To Zisudra

07:55 The Great Flood

14:20 The Annunaki Return After Flood

20:05 Annunaki Turn Mud Into A Kingdom

26:02 Thoth Builds The Pyramids In Ancient Kemet

34:22 The Old Kingdom of Kemet - Demi-gods of Egypt

36:00 Osiris & Seth (Sons of Amun Ra)

40:00 Horus Vs Set

44:40 The Lost Story of Ianna & Dumuzi

50:51 Death of Great Dumuzi Son of Enki

53:20 Ianna's Death & Resurrection

55:00 Wars of Gods/Extraterrestrials

1:02:25 Thoth Rescues Marduk (Amun Ra)

1:06:23 Ninurta Becomes God Of Israel (Son of Enlil)

1:11:32 Anu & Antu Visit Earth

1:21:00 Anu Forgives Marduk (Amun Ra)

1:25:00 Sumerian Civilization Begins

1:29:00 Ianna Steals The Human Template Codes

1:32:00 Marduk Becomes God Of Babylon

1:36:18 Amun Ra (Marduk) Vs Ningishzidda (Thoth)

1:41:00 God Territory's & Genetic Markers Begin

1:45:00 The Epic Of Gilgamesh

1:50:00 Enlil Has A Dream

1:53:00 Amun Ra Becomes God Of Egypt

1:59:00 Enki Creates The Tablets of Enki

Anonymous ID: 42bf71 Aug. 3, 2024, 4:06 a.m. No.21343812   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>3816

Annunaki: The Movie | Episode 1 | Lost Book Of Enki - Tablet 1-5


00:00 Attestation Of Endubsar -Prologue

10:19 Tablet 1

29:00 Tablet 2

37:30 The Myth Of Tiamat

45:48 Tablet 3

59:23 Tablet 4

1:19:30 Tablet 5



Annunaki: The Movie | Episode 2 | Lost Book Of Enki - Tablet 6-9


00:00 To Create A Primitive Worker

15:38 Birth Of Adam

23:07 Birth of Eve

29:57 Thoth Adds Procreation to Man

34:00 The Lost Story of Adam & Eve

39:45 The New Annunaki of Earth

47:20 Enki & Marduk Mission On Moon

57:09 Anu Visits Earth

1:02:05 Enki Becomes Human

1:04:44 Birth Of Adapa & Titi

1:11:45 Adapa Visits Nibiru

1:25:41 The Lost Story of Cain & Abel

1:36:15 Enki-Me(Enoch) Departs To Heaven

1:45:00 Marduk Marries An Earthling

1:55:40 Birth of Noah



Annunaki: The Movie | Episode 3 | Lost Book Of Enki - Tablet 10-14


00:00 Introduction

01:20 Enki Has A Dream

03:38 Enki Speaks To Zisudra

07:55 The Great Flood

14:20 The Annunaki Return After Flood

20:05 Annunaki Turn Mud Into A Kingdom

26:02 Thoth Builds The Pyramids In Ancient Kemet

34:22 The Old Kingdom of Kemet - Demi-gods of Egypt

36:00 Osiris & Seth (Sons of Amun Ra)

40:00 Horus Vs Set

44:40 The Lost Story of Ianna & Dumuzi

50:51 Death of Great Dumuzi Son of Enki

53:20 Ianna's Death & Resurrection

55:00 Wars of Gods/Extraterrestrials

1:02:25 Thoth Rescues Marduk (Amun Ra)

1:06:23 Ninurta Becomes God Of Israel (Son of Enlil)

1:11:32 Anu & Antu Visit Earth

1:21:00 Anu Forgives Marduk (Amun Ra)

1:25:00 Sumerian Civilization Begins

1:29:00 Ianna Steals The Human Template Codes

1:32:00 Marduk Becomes God Of Babylon

1:36:18 Amun Ra (Marduk) Vs Ningishzidda (Thoth)

1:41:00 God Territory's & Genetic Markers Begin

1:45:00 The Epic Of Gilgamesh

1:50:00 Enlil Has A Dream

1:53:00 Amun Ra Becomes God Of Egypt

1:59:00 Enki Creates The Tablets of Enki

Anonymous ID: 42bf71 Aug. 3, 2024, 4:07 a.m. No.21343819   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>3823 >>3825 >>3905 >>3907 >>3909 >>3913



PAYSEUR PART 3: [P]=Payseur Confirmed. Q Lounge Live 8/28

"PART 3 Q CONFIRMS [P]=Payseur from of my very FIRST EVER presentation on the [P]=Payseur on 8/26/18 from our July dig with host @ShadyGrooove."


Q confirms [P] = Payseur!

"In the Vatican - Holy See Q Drop #1950 "Recipe for ……." Q meant P,A,Y,S,E,U,R".


Q DROP #1950

Holy See Corrupt Universal Government of the Catholic Church

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 28 Aug 2018 - 4:12:23 PM



"The Holy See is the universal government of the Catholic Church and operates from Vatican City State, a sovereign, independent territory. The Pope is the ruler of both Vatican City State and the Holy See. The Holy See, as the supreme body of government of the Catholic Church, is a sovereign juridical entity under international law."



Sanctuary against criminal prosecution?

Recipe for …….



Q Drop #416

Anonymous 12/21/2017 20:31:58 ID: deb9fa

8chan/cbts: 143329

Soros takes orders fromP.

You have no idea how sick and evil these people are.

Fight, fight, fight.

Day of days.

Game over.



Q DROP #1413

Guardian of the Pope Owl Photo

Q !4pRcUA0lBE 17 May 2018 - 8:15:27 PM



Guardian of thePope.





PAYSEUR PART 4: TRUST the Plan 12/14 Q Lounge Live #Qarmy

"Starting at 20:00 after we go over the Q linkING to to my Twitter once again. Q2582.


Part 4 PAYSEUR, TRUST the Plan with myself and host @ShadyGrooove. Bringing ALL the PAYSEUR information to today!"


"A 1000 year old illusion!"

"Conspiracy analysts"

"Q uses the word Trust all the time"

"The mirror of Trust is anti Trust!"

"Trust trust trust!"

"When Q says "TRUST the plan" Q is referring to the Payseur trust!"

"it's not Pope, it's not Pindar, it is Payseur!"