>>2134349 (lb)
maybe you need political porn, anon, but i certainly don't. i need to see these criminals off the streets, off our commercial airliners, off our televisions, and in jail.
>>2134349 (lb)
maybe you need political porn, anon, but i certainly don't. i need to see these criminals off the streets, off our commercial airliners, off our televisions, and in jail.
Now that's the Strzok I saw today.
certainly not THAT woman.
now, THAT was the message.
trust the plan feels a lot like waiting for godot
bec. she knew the texts were captured
strzok is NOT flipped. no way. chuck up Q's statement to "disinformation is necessary."
lisa page, on the other hand, just might be flipped.
let's see . . . we're now Super Elite Deplorable Hillbillies?
nope. dems saw what they wanted to see -→ russian collusion, hero strzok, bully repubs.
NOTHING changed.
totally agree