>>2134299 lb
It's a fucking COSTUME you dumbass
With a fucking rubber mask you motherfucker
Where the fuck did you go to fucking school fuckface??
Get the Fuck out!
No fuckwits allowed , motherfucker
>>2134299 lb
It's a fucking COSTUME you dumbass
With a fucking rubber mask you motherfucker
Where the fuck did you go to fucking school fuckface??
Get the Fuck out!
No fuckwits allowed , motherfucker
You fucktard!!!
Do you think Q is going to be here
Telling you what to do
In 2024???
What a bunch of goddam dumbasses you are.
Stop talking to a NON existent figment of your OWN drug-addled imagination.
And get of the goddam drugs
And get clean
No more fluoridated water
No more aluminum underarm deodorant
No more air fresheners
Switch to Amway for all your cleaning products
Buy organic food
Eat more goddam vegetables
And this means YOU spinach and broccoli hater
Learn to wipe your own nose
And not using 20s with white powder on them either!
Can you believe it?
Guy thinks Q is a fucking dumbass
So he tells us we have to help poor Q!
Why the FUCK do you worship Q?
If he is such a dumbass?
Because you are a moron, that's why!
Yes, exactly
Q is dead
So now we have to
Re-read the crumbs
Make Connections
Draw maps
And get on with the work
Because, as Q said
And it is our game to win
Your post lacks logic
If Q is dead
It just means that we inherit the job
Sooner than expected
We still control the government
We have all the power
All we have to do is to play the game of politics
Like the Constitution envisaged
And in 2024 there will be stiff competition
From the new Walkaway party
Share a Coke
With Kate.
How can I do that if she's drad?
No worries, I'll get you a ticket to go see here.