>Fight! Fight! Fight!
F/6 F/6 F/6 - Final Battle Good Vs Evil.
Q+ said Horses.
War horses on our side.
Pretty sure this guy is posting on here now.
Get real Elon. Even God's chariots involve the Great Wheels.
Amen. Thank GOD.
"Your courage was contagious" - Patriot.
No, he is very brilliantly creating UNITY.
Q and Q+ both found out who is truly loyal.
Patriots, we have found that out, too.
So very notable.
F3 Chants will increase now.
The best people in the world love DJT, clearly. What a phenomenal Patriot.
Yes!!! Very notable.
I hope some day Patriots, Vets, and Anons get the respect that we deserve. Marine anons have felt betrayed by the same people we were willing to die to protect.
I've felt lost until you showed up in October.
Thank you form the depths of my heart
We are with you, Patriot.
We honor your service to our great country.
Without people like you, the world would be lost.
Patriots are in Control but more importantly, God is in Control.
The entire world is uniting. As the world turns.. "Dark to Light"
Oh? How many flashes for namefagging?
He said so many times 'I take all these slings and arrowsโฆ' but have you heard him say it since 7-13?
If you stop namefagging, you'll get the real confirmations.
Signs and wondersโฆ ? Be careful who you follow.
"You Missed" - Tom MacDonald.
>Enjoy reality as the world turns from dark to light.