>17 died
Stahp despairfagging PDJT!!!
In all cerealness tho, you can't pick-n-choose which PDJT comms to believe based on whether it's good/bad news.
Next time the commsfags start number/phrase fagging something based, I'm gonna copypasta reply with Q is ded.
Just to keep it real.
>sometimes I think you're both the same person doing a play.
Moar likely to be cubemates if not real.
But, I think they're both real anons which I'm not sure if that makes it better or not.
It's not that hard to imitate if one were so inclined as is the case most of the time.
There have been some anons hard to imitate tho - nobody could come close to uncanny valley on them.
Fungus, Gerbil, ebot, OSS, Tranime, could prolly keep going.
Jim should wear than on the bus around LA you know since he doesn't have a car now and CM too busy with his Drudge 2.0 (I love it btw - better version of Muh Notables).
It would totally fit in with the scene and who knows JIm might get sighted by a HW scout looking for talent.
CIAPB is not that hard to copy.
Just because oldfag autism spotted Swordy (>1) posting as CIAPB years ago doesn't mean he's the only one ever doing it.
Same applies to the current subtopic famefag and others.
kekbees was the OG when it comes to the now long tradition of QR Identity Theft.
Fake Ferddys were the legion in this category altho most were real bad.
Besides, losing the mystique is punishment enough for Swordy.
By all accounts he's an upstanding opinionated like the rest of us anon that QR Serendipity made viral who knew? style as the Patron Saint of GM.
That said, if I was Swordy I would have been too paranoid to fuck up by (>1).
Mystique like that is too precious.
The technique they're using is to isolate a major part of your opponent's success and reframe it as bad to significantly weaken them.
That shit used to work.
As everyone (and it's getting close to literal at this point) is pretty much on to their beat it into the ground rinse/repeat way past expiration date ways it turns into farce.
We're on the Up side of The Precipice where they keep doing what we can't believe they still keep doing.
Rather than PDJT go on the defensive about the incoming racisms/women hating narratives from the Deep State, he's once again out front causing a stink about the individual.
When chided at the debate, he will just do the "No, just Kamala Harris" routine to approving keks.
This is great news for Faster Please Precipice lovers.
The best part will be when Muppet has to keep defending it at the WH pressers.
>I posted where nobody goes
Bring the action over here.
The off topic gtfo tradition is long gone.
PDJT said Q is ded earlier but that comm doesn't count.
It was in the vidya posted along with the cap up above.
You can do the it's not real thing I don't mind.
Well, I don't think that matters in this context.
If that was a Q is ded comm then can't blame PDJT for not tipping us off that new drops weren't forthcoming.
The funniest part is it really ramped up on 8-1.
I think many govt/ngo funded gibs scams do that 1st of the month shit for some reason.
No fucking way.
I want to see how long denial of it occurring lasts.
Even tho it's fresh info up top the modern day anon is too lazyfag to go look.
So, yeah, my bad, it's F&G.
Trump hates RINOs if you want to keep it real, Pete.
And so does much if not all of MAGA.